Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

chocolate is my saviour

Honestly, I dont think I could have gotten through this emotion-laden week without a very large bar of chocolate (thanks lisa and ahsley!!!) and the tea of champions - MINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so so excited about brianna and my song this afternoon, however, we have never practiced with geoff on his ukulele, and thats a bad thing on audition day. let me explain more clearly; On monday, brianna and I looked at a song which I have loved for about a year, called pineapple princess, and she informed me that it had two part harmony in it, which i had never really thought about before and I was like "OMG variety night is next week, we should learn it and put it in!!!!" and she was all "YEAH!" but after we learned the singing parts to it, we wanted to have the background, and all it is is about three chords on a ukulele, and i knew that dan had a uke but he informed me that it was stringless, so we were commiserating with geoff, and he was like, "my mom has ukuleles at school and she said that we could borrow one and i can learn it" and brianna and I were sooooo happy, so today after school, geoff's gunna come with the rest of the wellys and we're gunna practice so that we have it perfect and than we have an audition at 4:00! Right now I really should be studying for my geography test, but its on climate and I really know quite alot about climate so I should be fine, for example, this morning as I was walking down my hill and the sun was rising, enstead of thinking "woah what a pretty sunrise!" it was like "interesting, there are cirrus clouds, in the sky, that must mean that the mid-latitude cyclone has deflected because of the jetstream and fair weather is approaching" Thats what geography has done to me. I'm kindof not liking it, but yesterday, I told my mother that it was gunna rain because of the nimbo-stratus clouds, so i didnt need to water, and I was right! I like being right. which is good because I'm ALWAYS RIGHT!!!!! *glare*..... However, I watered anyways because I love my mommy, even though she's being a huge cow at the moment and totally unfair about things. Oh well, shes under alot of stress.
Last night we had our first Real rehearsal for the Pantomime: Babes In the Woods, and it was okay, a little boring, and I HATE Ann's choreography because its just so dumb that I can't stand it!!!!!! Musical theatre choreographers are generally aweful, but I actually dont really mind the dance a cacucha very much, but thats cuz im good at it and kelli is more respectful to me. But I really would like for the babes in the woods to not be such crappy choreography. Its frustrating. Than again, what isnt!?!
Anyways, I am off and out, I shall speak to you again soon hopefully, wish me luck on my geo test!!!


  • my history teacher was totally making fun of geography kids today. and our audition ROCKED every damn castle in Northern Africa.

    By Blogger Brianna, at October 06, 2004 6:31 PM  

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