Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Friday, October 15, 2004

boys? at a girls night? NOW THATS JUST WRONG!!!!!

Oh man, first of all, alleah was like "yeah I feel bad for Brianna cuz she'll be the only single one", and let me just point out that I so don't have a boyfriend, and that really doesn't matter to me, but its people like that who are all like "oh don't worry dear, I'm sure you won't be single forever" when you weren't worried in the first place that make it such a "bad" thing to be single. Actually I'm quite enjoying it, for example at the moment I have one serious crush, but like 16 other secondary crushes and thats totally okay! and theres nobody that can be offended at that or mad. so being single is fun for me, I have more time to have fun, and I can flirt with pretty boys and talk with anyone I want and not have to be involved in whatever the emotional and horrible stuff that come with relationships.

AND, I guarantee you that everyone complains to their friends at one point or another, Alleah is no exception, and she was all "Mel and Brianna have bitch talks together, so I think there spending too much time together" well, you know what? thats the two "poor singles" that are spending time with friends rather than with our boyfriends ALL the time, and I really don't mind that you feel any way, I mean just *guh* frustrating, cuz I dont like people to think that I'm talking about them behind their back when I could be saying it right to their face, because thats what I try really hard to do, I hate it when people are talking behind other peoples backs so I really try hard to avoid that. So I was hurt by that implication.

Anyways, away from that, Gondoliers opens in 12 days so I'm starting to stress about that, and Variety night is tonight, so come and check it out (7:00, only $5!!!) but its cool, I mean generally everythings okay I guess.

Sorry, I guess I don't have much to say. I've been busy, but with boring things like dance and muth and variety night rehearsals and gondoliers and Panto (I hate the panto dance btw, I feel dumb and I can't do it. Nicole is better than me. I'm a freaking dancer for gods sake, and just cuz I was at gondoliers last night, she got the only good chorus thing in the whole play. I'm mad and shes been grumpy at me lately, so we're not doing so well) Oh well, spare block is over so I suppose I shall leave you now.

By the By, Brianna, you were right, I got barnicle Barney


  • I'm sorry for boys at girls night! I can't appoligise enough. :( And I don't think you talk about people behind backs more than anyone else does. And we all do it, so I don't know what the deal is here...

    By Blogger barbara_mary, at October 15, 2004 7:17 PM  

  • Ah... poor Mel.

    I don't mean that. I think you are a happy person who life tends to work out for (or who you make life work for). If you are single, it is because you want to be. I am sure you would have no trouble finding someone to be a couple with if that was all you wanted. I am sorry for being something at the girl's night that bothered you. I just do enjoy my Laura, but I would hate to do that at cost to my dear friend Mel

    So sorry.

    By Blogger Tim Banky, at October 19, 2004 8:25 PM  

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