Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Monday, July 25, 2005


is now finished. Part of me is so super sad to see it go, honestly, other people were like "man I hate this play" and I was all no way! I LURVE it, that and it was my LAST arts alive play EVER. Arts alive is so crazy weird, it seems to create and destroy relationships like mad! It must be something aout the highly stressed and emotionally charged atmosphere, the large amounts of alchohol consumed and all the onstage drama, leaking offstage. It was weird seeing people like Peter Starr last night, (cast party) I havent seen him in forever and a day. I had a good, and very important conversation with Gareth which may lead to more good and important conversations in the future, and that pleases me greatly.

In other news, Shane and I for sure, absolutly, no doubt have a place in Victoria, (I was about to put my new address here, and than I realized that I am posting on the internet, and there are scary people out there. so if you want to know - ask!) Its in Laura McNaught and Elena's building, which is really cool, it means I have 3 friends already there within a 30 second run up the stairs away. for each of us rent will be about $330/month including heat hot water and hydro, and than cell phone $50, Bus pass $50, food $200 (including the occasional pizza order) I dont think I'm missing anything major... I'm so excited, you wouldnt even beleive!!!!

looking even farther back in time, tasha threw me a surprise party for my birthday!!! I love that girl:)

SO much has happened, I dont even know what to say.... it smells like cat food here though, SO I think I'm going to go and get ready for work. I'm getting my wisdom teeth taken out tomorrow :S


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