Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Camping, Tim Hortons and Graduation

I will never go to another job interview sober. On Sunday morning I went to drop off a resume at the Dickenson Tim Hortons because I saw that they were hiring for the 3-11 shift which is a full 8 hours even with Arts ALive (I have to leave a couple of minutes early though :S and my Arts ALive social life is all to hell :S). Anyways, I got a call that same afternoon that asked me to to come in to an interview the next morning. So I was like sure - but than the trouble hit. I went camping and drank FAR too much vodka, so the next morning when I woke up, I was still drunk, i couldnt even walk in a straight line. Uh oh! So I go the the interview, and I get the job!!!! and that is why I will never go to another job interview sober.

In other news, camping was a lot of fun. Some people should never drink tequila again though. I really liked seeing Brady, I didn't realize how much I missed him, untill I saw him again. He's gone through so much in his life, and I can't relate to some of his experiences... But still.

Grad is tomorrow. Dan is playing the guitar for the first time in front of an audience, accompanying me for "Good Riddance (Time of your life)" (Our grad song). I really hope neither of us fuck up. We're representing the drama kids, and the best that he school has to offer... Thats so sad!

Anyways, I'm off to my first shift at timmy's! *loves*


  • hahaha yeah i heard about you that morning!!! congrats on getting the job, those are good hours to work!

    Grad 05 w0000t

    By Blogger Unknown, at July 02, 2005 9:23 PM  

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