Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Say You Won't Care....

Guys, I don't want to graduate. I want to come back to high school. I know thas ridiculous, but really. I'm so scared for this coming up year. What if?

In other news, I may be goign through some sort of phase, because normally, I DO not get attracted to guys easily, and since Friday there's been three that I've been like "ayyyyyyyy!" One especially... guh, this is ridiculous... I should just talk to him. But what if....

I hate hate hate waiting for casting. especially recently, I mean I know that the best I can hope for is a bird girl, and thats just not good enough for me!!! they're probably going to tell us tomorrow or the day after... I mean really. I dont want to be a Wickersham brother..... or chorus. Well chorus is okay I guess.... But this is most likely my LAST ever musical, and I just... what if.

In other news, I loked okay today apparently. I got like four comments.... and Ty said that I had an infectious smile :D I was pleased. Unfortunatly, they all seemed surprised. Thats negative. it means that usually, I don't look so good. boo on that. I shuld get some more cool clothes and look better most of the time.... And besides, I've lost 12 pounds and it seems to be staying off, I mean I was down to 19, but I think most of that was waterweight gone. Its going down more gradually now:) I hope that I get to the goal.... I should start running again. Hopefully that doesnt hurt my shins too bad. Oh well, who needs shins anyways? I'll go tomorrow. I'll walk to my rehearsal.

Only three more days left!!! :S :S :S :S I'm gunna search for apartments now.... <3 goodnight my darlings.


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