Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

And if we're lost

Strange and beautiful
are the stars tonight
that dance around your head
and if we're lost
then we are lost together
yea if we're lost
then we are lost together
I stand before this faceless crowd
and I wonder why I bother
it's all a dream to me now
a dream to me now
And if we're lost
then we are lost together
yea if we're lost
then we are lost together
In this silence of this whispered night
I listen only to your breath
and that second of a shooting star
somehow it all makes sense
And I want all the world to know
that your love's all I need
all that I need
and if we're lost
then we are lost together
yea if we're lost
then we are lost together

AFter that musical interlude, Im sure its very important for us all to update about our weekends etc. Well on friday the choir took a trip over to vancouver to sing for "MusicFest Canada". We got to sing in this AMAZING church, but it was in a residential area so there was no food for mel except brianna's excellent swiss cheese crackers, adn ty's generous donation of a juice box. Anyways the adjudicator was EXCELLENT to the extremem, and I was very happy about the whole exprience. everyone got along very well, and even though alleah had a face injury (on wednesday she broke her nose) (speaking of wednesday, I won my category in Folk song festival :) ) ANyways, we sang songs. I'm glad that collective is doing things again, even if it means less laura-brianna-mel time. cuz nobody's been happy since shes been gone. Anyways, that was friday night, saturday was cool, Brianna and I went for italian sodas at the perfect cup. (NO MORE STARBUX!) and than I wento over to jenns and hung out with her for a bit, untill she had to go to babysitting. anyways I ended up spending the night at Tashas with her and shane. We didnt get to sleep untill 6:30... it was crazay. But at least i finished my book!!!!

In the morning we went for coffee and than I went with my Vicki to QUalicum and we saw a show called Lion in Winter. It was quite excellent. ARlene blundell and Tristan Brimble were in it. they were pretty good. it was about Eleanor of Aquitane.
On the drive home, I got a call from my mom that said my brother had been in a biking accient and was in the hospital, but he was in Kelowna, so I couldn't do anything about it. So i went to nolans and got very drunk and very depressed. I ended up wandering around outside for a very long time, and getting so cold... It was an alright time anyways. Tahsa and Jenn ended up drivinng me back to Jenns and I crashed on the couch there.

In the morning, I went to Practice "And so it goes" with the girls for the june 1st concert (COME SEEE 7:00 at wllington), and than just hung out at home till the evenning when I went to Jenn's again. (seem to be there a lot much... hmm)

ANyways, we have to get to school, so maybe more updates later?

We are lost together...


  • Hey! Yeah the choir was out in nowhere or else i would have come seen it. Richmond was pretty dope man. I am so very sorry to hear of your brothers accident, I hope everyone ( including you ! ) are all ok. Accidents are scary :(

    By Blogger Unknown, at May 24, 2005 11:44 PM  

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