Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Sorry kids. Been goin through a rough phase. lots of anger and sadness to get out, you know? However, most of that is over, and i thought I should let you all know that I've met someone. Hes really a great guy, and he likes me back. His name is chris, and at the momoent hes about a ten minute walk away from me, including the time I'd need to change. I wish he was here.

You may have wondered about my extended hiatus. My reasons are threefold, one of which I have already detailed above. the other two are simple. 1) I dont have a computer at my moms house and 2) I dont have a spare block in which to do it at school.

I am sad about megan's party being cancelled, but I'm going to this thing at the Port theatre now, so its okay.

However, Im excited about hanging out with jenn on monday. I never really do things like that. have you ever noticed at this point we rarely make new friends? we seem to have the ones were gunna keep, and unless the situation entials, we dont really talk to new people. But she only really new to me, so we'll see.

good night kids. (Idunno, kids is the word of the day or something....)


  • Hooray for ends to hiati, welcome back. But one can always make new friends, esp. at university, but I have found tons here in Taiwan. And more that I met in Nanaimo through the blogrings, that I have never seen or talked to in person for more than a minute.

    rock on

    By Blogger K, at February 19, 2005 8:44 AM  

  • I actually have made an alarming number of new friends lately.

    STELLAR that you found a boy!!

    Jenn as in Brown? I love her so much, she is really cool and an AWESOME friend ( wmb 860 <- her lisence plate no.) You'z gunna have fun times with that one!

    By Blogger Unknown, at February 19, 2005 10:05 PM  

  • maybe not that jenn?

    By Blogger Unknown, at February 21, 2005 10:10 PM  

  • yeah, that jenn..... but she was working on monday s we didn't end up doing anything:(

    By Blogger Pineapple Princess!, at February 22, 2005 7:01 AM  

  • I have a Valentine for her, but I seem to never be able to find her at my school...! strange.

    By Blogger VivaLaPinto, at February 22, 2005 11:12 AM  

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