Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Thursday, January 13, 2005

kissing, dreams and chocolate

I had a really wild dream. I came home after first block and had a nap. I dreamed so vividly, it was hypereality.... the colours were brighter, the sounds were louder and more distinct..... the kissing was more fun :p It was at this New years party at..... someone we all know's house, but it wasn't really his house, and there was this game we played where he kept kissing me on the cheek, and than we were in his room and it was not my cheek he was kissing anymore. See, not a sex dream, just a heavy making out dream. And with the vividity (thats totally a word) of it.... idunno, I can still remember the exact circumstances and exactly how they felt. I'm starting to get antsy. I have had a really good kiss in a very very long time. Kissing is nice. Our society is so sex-obsessed that we totally forget about kisses. (btw, check out Tims blog for more kissing)

I read Chocolat today. It was quite awesome, to say the least. The characters felt very realistic and lifelike. I wonder if the author has written anything else? has anyone seen the movie? Is it butchering the story like most do? On the other hand, Mr. Depp is in it, and I find it very difficult to dislike him. I tried really hard though.

I miss choir.I've missed three practices because of this stupid sickness thing, and I really liked the new music we chose. I want to sing the rock song and when I say rock, and don't mean 'n' roll :p its this gospel song about a river.

Anyways, I'm gunna have some yogurt and a banana. Than sleep. See y'all tomorrow

My current mood: Fanciful.... imaginative, i dont know if thats a mood, but thats how i feel...
Listening to: Muse - Blackout


  • hello mel. so you have cool dreams too! well...mine are not really super cool, but more weird.
    Okay i had this dream last night let me tell you about it:

    okay, i only remember specific people being in it, me, shane, and xander the main characters. okay so we were in this large city place (kind of a mix between seattle and las vegas) and it was new years. people were gathering in the streets, it was i'd say roughly 5:00 pm. anyways, we decide to go shopping, and theres this girl i know but would rather not say her name, anyways, she starts to annoy us so we start trying to avoid her. we sneak into the weirdest stores but she ALWAYS ends up finding us. so i end up getting this awesome idea to go to this weird coffee house place that is very tiny (about the size of a doghouse) and it is placed on very high risers. anyways, as we climb up on this thin rail thing, me in front, then shane, then xander, we realize this house is actually about the size of a small doll house. anyways, i'm like okay, shit we're not all going to make it into this house like this. so there seems to be these pill things in front of the house that resemble my vitamin C tablets i take in the morning. i'm like okay guys we all have to chew these and we'll get really small and will be able to fit into the house. so we start chewing these tablets as fast as we can, as we see this girl coming, and we want to escape her...for some reason i know if we get into this house we will escape her for good. anyways, while we're chewing as fast as we can, i notice it isn't working as fast as i'd like it to so i get us all to repeat this weird chant. okay, this rail thing we've been balancing on is starting to wobble...and just the MOMENT before the magic or whatever of these pills works, this girl shakes the rails, and we fall to the ground.
    that was my dream.
    what do you think? hahaha

    By Blogger Laura, at January 15, 2005 12:35 AM  

  • okay, Chocolat is AWESOME and I own it, so you can either borrow it or we can watch it tonight when you come over. btw, Lauras coming too, i hope you dont mind ( although I dont see why you would)

    By Blogger Brianna, at January 15, 2005 11:57 AM  

  • Thanks for the plug, Melly. It helps with the keeping up of the traffic.

    If you want to work a deal where you click a quota of my adds and I hook you up with adds of your own, I will be of service. Come talk to me.

    By Blogger Tim Banky, at January 15, 2005 11:10 PM  

  • I am reading The Once and Future King-T.H. White


    By Blogger Queenie, at January 16, 2005 11:25 AM  

  • Well Mel, the weird dream I had wasn't anything spectacular. But it involved me, dating a friend, that I hadn't really thought I had feelings for. And when I woke up I was questioning a lot. It's odd, how dreams can change your opinion on someone. I mean it's just a dream, right? Anyways, it just confused me as to how I feel towards him, because the dream seemed so real, and it was so nice...and that's all...nothing special.

    By Blogger Megan, at January 16, 2005 10:52 PM  

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