Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Thank you for anyone who kept their eyes peeled for my puppy. But its too late. I got a call from my dad just as I was going into work saying that they found her body on the side of the highway. Ack, I hate going places while crying, because its not something you can stop, but it's also something that people feel the need to comment on. (Thanks to J.Ro especially, he was very sweet)

Onward and upward to better things for you babe --{--{@

Anyways, off such a depressing topic.... I don't know there don't seem to be many not depressing topics lately. We had our first ensemble practice today, and while it could be VERY good, it was more than a little frustrating today. Viktor is an amazing pianist, but as of this moment, a fairly sucky accompanist, But i dont know anyone else! I mean theres Laura, but I don't want to stick her with that! she always has to plunk notes for us, and it must be frustrating for her. I had a piece of chocolate today.... no wait that was yesterday, today I had half of a butter tart:)

Anyways, work was long, sleep is short, I'll try to post tomorrow morning when things are looking up a bit more


  • Oh man so sorry... I dont know what else t osay...

    By Blogger Brianna, at January 06, 2005 9:15 AM  

  • *hugs* Poor Mel... I'm so sorry...

    By Blogger barbara_mary, at January 06, 2005 9:21 AM  

  • *huggles* Sorry about your puppy sweetie.
    MIANP will be wonderful very soon I'm sure of it. Accompanises and all!
    Accompalnises? Accompani? Hmm...

    By Blogger Megan, at January 06, 2005 5:57 PM  

  • Jenn2's dog died today! Man....
    but all dogs go to heaven!

    By Blogger Unknown, at January 06, 2005 10:01 PM  

  • I'm sorry to hear that mel *GIANT MR. BUTLER SIZED HUG*. But you're still my favourite (and you were right about the time frame thing)

    Lots o'love, Mr. Butler

    By Blogger Glenn, at January 07, 2005 9:50 AM  

  • Mel... girls night at lisa's saturday night... it;s just the usuals plus one right.. i just kinda told my rents today and saturday is tomorrow... so yea ttyl leave me a message

    By Blogger Queen of Hearts, at January 07, 2005 3:44 PM  

  • Hey Mel, its Jenn2. I got your blog from Alana. I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. For once I can actually say (and mean it), 'I know how you feel'. My dog jsut past away on Thursday as well and nothing hurts more. But I have so say, the pain does, eventually, start to go away. I know how hard it is to lose something so close to you, but just be strong! All the best..

    By Blogger JB, at January 08, 2005 10:48 AM  

  • Aw, guys! I am so sorry to both of you! Like Jenn, Mel, I understand, after having my kitty pass away during the fire. There is nothing like when a pet dies. They love you so unconditionally, absolutely no matter what you do to them. Even when you can't be with them for a few days, even when you forget to feed them, even pets who are beaten are so completely loyal and loving that when they die, the guilt is never stronger. I am so sorry that you two are going through that right now. *hugs and luvins* for both of you, and I hope you feel better soon.

    By Blogger VivaLaPinto, at January 09, 2005 1:21 PM  

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