Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Monday, December 06, 2004

19 days and counting!

I'm really excited for christmas, usually I don't enjoy it at all, and when I say at all, I mean seriuously, I hated Christmas, but I dont know, somehow this year seems different. It snowed for awhile today, Kelsey said it was supposed to continue on this way untill Friday..... apparently not *sad face* Shanes scarf is almost done, which means I can get started on my other projects, somehow 19 days doesn't seem like enough.
Although all of my readers happen to be people who were in Bye Bye Birdie, I would still like to take a few moments to reflect on what happened during that play. I will list 10 things I really liked as well as ten things I didnt..... (this is the goal anyways)

Ten things I didn't like about Bye Bye Birdie (end on a positive not why don't we?)
1. Tim and Lauras incessant face! (By the end), it wasn't so bad at first, and steadily increased! (if either of you guys is offended by this please come talk to me, we can discuss it in a reasonable manner like two adults:P)
2. The yelling
3. Inexperienced singers/ inattentive singers
4. Inexperienced choral direction
5. Mr. Anderson's set design delay that caused us to be working up untill the last minute (aren't we always?)
6. Not very much dancing :'(
8. My unmanageable breasts (fake character breats in case anyone doesn't know!)
9. Set strike
10. Never having another play with that same group of people!!!!

Things I liked about Bye Bye Birdie
1. Lots of well written choral music (like Ed sullivan!)
2. My BREASTS!!!!!!
3. My wellys
4. Having all of my friends but a few all in the same room at the same time
5. How working hard can make you really appreciate the final product
6. An audiences appreciative laugh
7. THE QUARTET (duets much Brianna? I sense a future!)
8. Mr. Anderson, Linda, Mr. Irving, Mr. Holland, Ms. Fyling, Lisa
9. My "'Do you use the touch system?' 'Whenever possible!'" line!
10. working with these grade 12s, some for the last time, you have made this year memorable to say the least!
11. The parties!!!!

Thank you very much to every one who was involved and also to those who came to see the production, it makes the work worthwhile when you stand on the apron of the stage and hold your hands up with a big smile on your face, the lights blinding the audiences face from your vision, while you take your final bow of the night and feel the sweat running down your back, the makeup cloggs your pores and your feet are killing you from the 4 inch stillettos your character wears all night long. you can't wait to do it again the next day for that feeling. Indescribable, though I try!
I read somewhere that Dec 6th is International Best Friends day, which I take to mean All Friends day. I would like to pay tribute to my amazing friends. As you all know, this fall and early winter has been a really tough time for me: academically, socially, and with all of the stress that comes with being as busy as I am. You have all been so understanding, and amazing to me, I don't know how you do it, seriously! Some people that deserve special mention are Brianna and Laura (not to leave out alleah! I love you too hun). I have gotten to know these two fine young ladies so much better over the past six months, and I feel that my life may have taken several different turns if it wasn't for the support, encouragement and FUN that they provide!!! Other people who I have gotten much closer to in the past little while include Megan R., surprisingly, Shane, Geoff and most recently, I have been getting to know Brad better (Also, I have gotten to know Tim, kicking and screaming all the way:P). Unfortunatly there are some really good friends that I have missed very much recently such as Nicole, Kelsey, Barbara, Dan and Connor. I love everyone that impacts my life as profoundly as all of those I call my friends! Thanks guys :)
Is it wrong that I am as jeleous of other people ariound Dan as I am? its not just Jen, (though that tends to drive me bonkers) but if anyone gets close to him, it hurts me. I guess because I'm so insecure in our relationship as it is, anyone else that is there just seems like a wedge, driving us further apart than we already are. If anyone has anyt suggestions for that relationship, I could sure use it, cuz whether I give him time on my own, or I make subtle moves or I am blatanly asking for a fraction of his time, he says I'm still really important to him, and he doesn't want to lose me, but it somehow doesn't seem like it much of the time :'( I miss hanging out with him. Hes good to talk to, even though he doesn't usually have alot of advice, he still listens well....
While I'm getting out some of these poisons, I'm really jeleous of Spencer. Its not fair that Kelsey and I are so apart. Shes my best friend and I don't think I've dealt with her loss very well, (I mean Geoff was her replacement, come on, what kind of decision was that?) I just hope that shes okay... actually no, I hope she misses me as much as I miss her, and that Spencer has her under a spell but otherwise she would rather be hanging out with me than anywhere else!
*sigh* now I feel better. Hey, oddly enough, I've kinna developed a bit of a crush on Brad... *curious* I don't really know him at all, and am not EXTRAORDINARILY attracted to him (I mean hes attractive, but not really my type) but somehow he has this je ne sais quoi (atraocious spelling) :P) that makes me wonder what hes be like. (In a relationship, not neccissarily in bed:P) OMG, k, I hope he doesn't read my blog, that would be disastrous..... I'm not even kidding, he seems like the kind of guy who can scare off easily! eep, maybe I should delete that part..... No he prolly doesn't read it..... (if you do, just let me know that you read it, and don't be weird about it) Even so he seems like a nice guy, who if he weren't so shy/quiet, I could get to know very well, and have a good friendship with.
Anyways, thanks for reading, hope for snow, and Comment profusely! Happy Friendship day!


  • oh, yay, he's a GREAT boy to be interested in! warnings, it may not work out, but i should reserve judgement...if it did work out, i would HEARTILY approve, and indeed i am rooting fo you honey, in that area!

    By Blogger VivaLaPinto, at December 07, 2004 4:16 PM  

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