Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Thursday, October 21, 2004


hahah thats right, I am emo and angst and horrible, and theres nothing that you can do about it, not that anyone has tried or anything. Today and this week since like the last post has been the suck. Work is hard and late, homework is hard and late, musical theatre is the suck lately, and everyone is so lazy! I have this theory that if I work harder, other people will work harder too. Its not working out the way I had planned. My show opens in like 6 days, and I dont feel ready, I don't know, maybe everyone else is just sooooooo ready, (which they aren't) but I know I'm not either.
Recap: friday night - Variety night - it was fun but stressful
Afterparty at jordans house. - Geoff was "disapproving" - I stopped caring
Saturday - Rehearsal - Geoff slept in and we were late but it felt like it was coming together for the first time
- Hung out with Brianna and than went to Barbara's "girls night"
-sleep was not plentiful ( brianna and I stole Babaraba's bed)
Sunday - worked till like 2:30....... again, sleep was at minimal levels
Monday - school - Muth, no ride to dance, hung out with alleah, we watched the secret garden. perhaps the highlight of my week. Oh and I'm singing in the quartet.
Tuesday - Choir and Panto rehearsal - oh my gad the suck is overwhelming
Wednesday - Muth - frustrating
Dance - painful (whats new)
Thursday - Its not over. but its been sucky so far. I want it to get better.

I'm off to choir, wish me luck!


  • When i first read your blog title, I thought it said "ANTS" And I was all confused.

    Its sad that youre week is the suck. This weekend will be better, I promise-omise.

    By Blogger Brianna, at October 22, 2004 11:02 AM  

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