Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Monday, November 01, 2004

and, and, and..... I'VE done!!!!

Oh thank goodness that the gondoliers is over. It felt like such a long run, even though it was like 5 days! But I really enjoyed it, the part I didnt was the singing, "away we go to an Island fair" cuz its so high! and sarah lane got sick and was like "learn all my songs in case I can't go on" and it was just crazy times. I liked meeting everyone so much! there's so many cool people in this show that I wish I got to spend more time with. I hope alot of them are in the show next year, (cross your fingers for guys and dolls!) and that I can be in it too! I know after the show theres usually a let-down because you were so busy, but I'm stilll busy so its okay! I hope I get a little more time, to see my friends, cuz its been really tough to get around to everyone, and I have to make choices about who to see and stuff!
Recently mostly all thats been happenening is Gondoliers, but I've spent some fun times like at laura B's party on friday night, I didnt get there till like 11, but it was really cool, hanging out in the sunroom with Geoff and alleah (now that sounds weird to say and not think of them as a couple), laura and tim. and Brianna sometimes. (fragment!!!) and than the debating tournament on saturday (tireing to say the least!) and than on saturday (after our BEST show) we went to acme and had drinks and geoff and I shared a pasta, and it was yummy! (oh the frustration) and than after our afternoon show yesterday we had a cast party at st. pauls! I'm really gunna miss everyone, and I hope everyone can come to our haunted house tonight! (Shady Mile farm market!)
See everyone at Muth!


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