Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Failure of the fittest

Laura and Tim.... wow, the people you expect to be the "academics" sometimes turn out kinkier than the "slutty" people. The one hope I have for all new failures is no regrets, whatever you do, you shouldnt regret it in ten years. I mean really all of my dover girl friends are still in the V club. Why, you may ask is this? they choose to have no regrets..... mostly

I have few regrets, however I regret Ryan very much. Now, much as most people know the story, I still would rather not have it on the web, but if you need to know, ask me.

For the record, I am over the physical/emotional crush i had on geoff, I really love him as a person and hope we continue to be friends, but I respect his decisions and think that they are correct for him. However, I am fairly lonely. (lonely does not equal desperate, lonely equals looking.) I thikn that boys are fairly rare. Even jerks seem to be out of fashion these days, just othe rpeoples boyfriends and people who are in love with other people who don't notice them.... *sigh* Oh well, when it happes, it happens I suppose


  • It will happen for you Mel.

    And... wait up here... are you calling me kinky?

    Wait... are you calling Laura kinky???

    By Blogger Tim Banky, at November 28, 2004 10:08 AM  

  • hahaha... Laura's kinky!!! Kinked up Laura. Heads up - Kink is a dirty word.

    By Blogger barbara_mary, at November 28, 2004 10:04 PM  

  • oh man, Barba. And Tim, in case you hadn't noticed, Laura is very kinky. In fact, the kinkiest of them all. Not quite as kinky as myself, however. But close. Trust me on this, for I come from a place of very priveledged information, gained through years of careful spywork, placing myself in a position of confidence with the enemy, during marathon sleepovers, and enervating "fun times." It was a task frought with danger, with Death, and Destruction of the Human Race around every turn. But I booby trapped the booby traps, and desecuritized the security, and finally my efforts paid off. Gator would tell me ANYTHING!!! And the good of all mankind has benefited from it. It was a dirty job, but someone had to do it...

    By Blogger VivaLaPinto, at December 03, 2004 8:54 AM  

  • Melly, you're my favourite, and your boy is out there somewhere, i'm always positive of that. But for now, we could always make a club. "Those single people that really want love" they'll call us, and we'll RULE THE BOARDWALK WITH AN IRON FIST!!!!

    By Blogger Glenn, at December 05, 2004 2:29 PM  

  • Er, blame me for the kinky comments. I'm pretty sure I started that string off comments.

    By Blogger barbara_mary, at December 05, 2004 8:33 PM  

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