Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Back to "normal"

Hey hey, lots of craziness going on in the life lately. I bought christmas presents though, for lots of people, and thats all that counts!!!!! I love shopping, especially for other people!!!!! I'm making several of my gifts this year which is awesome, I love it when people like their gifts, if they don't its pointless.

oh, please forgive the pissy post, and lack of remedial posting, it was quite unfortunate

speaking of unfortunate, Laura and I are starting to speak the same, and brianna and I are starting to speak the same, as well as me and everyone else; I'm a freaking chamelion, I swear!!!! I change into whatever person would get along with the people I'm currently hanging out with, even if its a large group, and thats really kinda freaky-scary, cuz who am i when im alone? am I ever alone and awake? interesting query.... must investigate further!


  • I just got the funniest visual ever of you sitting in a corner rocking back and forth waiting for someone to walk into the room so that you can impersonate them...

    By Blogger Megan, at November 20, 2004 6:35 PM  

  • You were alone once Mel. I was there when you were alone!

    Wait a seond...

    By Blogger Tim Banky, at November 23, 2004 8:55 AM  

  • what if it's just EVERYONE ELSE IMPERSONATING YOU???? (and go read Geoff's blog, and give me your objective view on the commenting situation at the bottom of the second post down. I need your opinion, sweets)

    By Blogger VivaLaPinto, at November 25, 2004 8:18 AM  

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