Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Thursday, December 30, 2004

panto, prom and pineapples galore

So bloggers, I had a fantastic Christmas, I spent the eve with my mother and her new boyfriend, and than went to my dads in the morinng to open presents!!! I was spoiled so badly that its embarrassing! I am quite sad that I wasn't feeling well on the eve so I could have made a better impression on Roger (mom's boyfriend)... oh well, He showed my brother and I the pictures from when he and his daughter travelled around Kenya and Egypt for 6 weeks, and its amazing, like he has close up pictures of lions that his daughter took, when standing 15 feet away!!!! I was entirely amazed with the dinner my mother prepared by herself mostly, cuz I was sick all night, and she managed just fine! Since than I have been entirely engrossed in Pantomime. I am enjoying it quite alot, except that people are not very good at being quiet when backstage or in the lobby.... oh well, neither am I. Nicole is having boy.... well debates, in her mind. Lets say, indecisions. Barbara and Alleah both have their very promenant boys, (and I LOVE LOVE LOVE llowyn, hes tres fabu) Tim and Laura are connected at the hip and Gareth and Martha are apparently back together. I'm having serious physical love withdrawal! Its not even that I miss the cuddling, I'm just seriously.... I want my neck bitten, I want someone to pull me close to them and play rough. AHAHAHA I'm so dirty sometimes:P "I want to be kissed, often, by someone who knows how" - Gone with the wind
I went prom dress shopping with geoff! He was VERY accomadating, considering that he had to sit and watch me try on dress after dress after dress, to see which one I thought he liked... I was extremely impressed at his patience, becuse it must have been tough. However, I have come to the conclusion that will be good, and The dress is very pretty indeed. For those who aren't in the know already, you'll just have to wait untill April the 30th, or untill I get too impatient, to see what it looks like!!! of course, I have no idea how I'm going to afford it, But I'll find a way!!!!! Plus, I have to get tickets, and accessories, and I think that I want to get my hair done, Kim's been wanting to do it for years, ever since we first discussed prom in Grade 7! Makeup isn't even a question, theres no way I'm giving anybody else control of my face!!!!! You know, theres only two times in a girl's life where she gets the option to wear a poufy dress: her prom and her wedding, and that seems unfair. I want to wear one all the time! like I was a queen!!!!!! Not only that, but I would have liked to wear white at some other time than weddings, because its a nice colour.... or absence thereof! I am very pleased with the way things are shaping up for prom. I have a nice dress, and a great friend to escort me, and hopefully, financial support from my parents *crosses fingers*
Anyways I hope everyone has a fantasmic New Years Eve, but more importantly, I hope everyone has a great 2005. It will last longer, than one evening!!!!! all the best!

PS: I gave everyone their Christmas presents, (as is customary) and everyone SEEMS to like theirs. Brianna wears her hat (which is a huge deal, If you've seen her hat!!!), and Geoff seems to like his scarf (he hasn't noticed the mistake yet guys.... at least as far as I know) Shane wears his on occasion also, and I saw Laura's scarf in her bag today :D Plus alleah's ring was a hit, she wears it a lot, and my family loved their presents especially my dad. my mom got a trip to San Fransisco from Roger, so she won't be back for several days : < ( . I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for appreciating their gifts. I know its tough in our materially based society to value homemade presents, but I tell you, at least 20 hours of love went into the smallest of those presents, mostly closer to 30, depending on their difficulty. And whe I say love, I dont mean time, I mean I tried my best to think good thoughts about the person I was making for, and have in entirely drenched in GOOOOOOOD FEELINGS!!!!!!!! hahahahaha (i'm so evil)


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