Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Tuesday, December 07, 2004


Hey so I had a whole bunch of poems in a book and I lost the book. If anyone knows where it is, let me, know, I miss it!!!
Heres a couple of the ones I don't mind, let me know what you think but don't forget to read my uber-long post just below this...... (ahh insomnia)

Soul Scars

Blood dripping
from the smiling
happy knife wounds
etched deep into
both skin and soul

Soul slipping
chasm precipitates the emptiness
beads of sweat
drops from life's arteries
grinning scalpel carves

Carving Blank Comatose Stares
popular white bleached smiles
draw ever closer
sketches drawn ever deeper
into skin
into heart
through vein
through blood
to soul

yeah I dunno what to tell you about that one, I thought It was good when I wrote it, not rereading it I don't like it at all.......

blind convulsions
sweet crimson curtains
taught tender tendon ribbon
human potion
lying in wait
breathing deep, an ocean
is it love
or lust
or simple

yeah I dont mind it, but it seems a little angsty and contrived. obviously I was feeling this way at the time, but I can't see how thats the way I would put it into words.... oh well

First Date I
flames licking my finger
as I run it through the candle
liquid wax hesitates, lingers
before it smashes to the table
just like my heart

First date II
I told myself
don't be stupid
you made a deal
you're not allowed.
remember the past
Ancient mistakes
look towards the future
endless possibilities
forward and behind...
both heartless circumstances
my jeans come unsnapped
I unzip his
My heart records another mistake

First date III (skip this one if you don't enjoy explicit-ness or are Megan Russel)
I shivered on the couch
sitting, quietly, all alone
You were there, on the other end
cold to the bone
Under laid

I shivered lying next to you
still cold, still on your couch
body heat, favours repaid, togetherness
I taunted you... I'm sorry
Your long, cold fingers touched my thigh

I shivered with anticipation
Your reputation precedes
I'd heard of these fingers before
now long and thin inside me
-we froze- as the door swung open

I shivered to prove my sincerity
it really was cold
deep down I shivered
but it was quite warm
"Up" you said and so
we went up the stairs
Not knowing what to think

I shiver now in thinking
knowing I'm not alone
I'm not the only one you've touched this way. Before
me theres many.
You are the chase
the catch (oh what a catch!)
the thrill

I shivered as I felt you
rise against
-my better judgement-
prickles rubbed my back as
my flesh became unnumb
you drew me close and asked bluntly
"Wanna fuck?"
*how romantic*

I shivered as I said it
was this really me?
soon you filled and emptied me at once
I shivered in exstacy

I shiver here alone now
down on the couch again
for on a cold night spent in "bliss"
I was just an number,
on a list

yeah Idunno what you might think of that, of course, I'm taking a real chance here so be gentle with your criticsms. PS as its artistic, and yet self-expressive, some is real, some is fictional, you must decide which!

last one (a bit of fun)

effects of feminism on man-in-the-house Marigold
the weight of the world
rests on me.
Atlas used his shoulders
balanced with his arms
those long delecate fingers paired with
crude brutal strength

the weight of the world
balances perfectly
on top of my exactingly groomed hair
the Andes dig into my skull
but I smile and
balance on stilettos

the weight of the world
tumbles off its precarious balance
and my only thought,
as my spaghetti-brains
mix with bone shards and face ooze
"Who's gunna carry it now?"
But theres nobody else

the weight of the world
collides into my lino floor
and i dust-bust the mess
while planning my day, fixing my makeup,
placing my spaghetti brains back in
and solving the problems of infinity, absolute zero and perpetual motion.

In stilettos
With perfect hair

:D:D:D anyways yeah, hope you had fun, I thought, as I had't posted in so long, it was my responsability to give you alot to read, but dont forget yesterdays new post!


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