Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Friday, December 24, 2004

Hey Guys,
I've had a very fun couple of days, since I last posted I went to Brads (hmmm :D) party. That was kinda dull, but cool, because I got to meet a bunch of people that I had never seeen before! We watched a movie that devin made, and it was quite excellent. I was watching it, when I felt something weird, and I turned around and Brad was looking at me. Idunno, maybe I'm a crazy, who knows. I also read Brad's SAT book and listened to everyone play music. aha! that reminds me, what song goes; "Hanging round, downtown by myself/and ive got ____/ and there she was, like _____" yeah I don't know what song it is, but its stuck in my head, just that part, and I know they used it in "i have a name" so if anyone can give me a little help, that would be greatly appreciated. After Brad's party, Geoff and I went to Tasha's party where we basicly sat around and watched them shoot deer on the video game! after they were bored with that though, we watched the first part of American History X, and OMG, that movie brings up some HARSH issues. I have to see the rest of it though, to make any final judgements, after which point Geoff, (my favourite) drove me alllllll the way home to LANTZVILLE!

Today was slightly less social. I wrapped presents and Knitted all morning, and than had to run for the bus, because I had a touch present to wrap that took me too long!!! At two o'clock I went to the mall with Glenn, Brianna and Gareth which was fun. I never really get to hang out with Gareth anymore, it seems awkward, even thuogh it shouldn't be. But yeah, we went to the bank, and shopping, and for food, and to Starbucks! saw a bunch of people we knew everywhere and that was cool. I like knowing people. Gareth left at around 5, and Glenn and Brianna l;eft at 5:30 so I had an hour to wait before I was to meet geoff, so I went to Chapters and got up to pg. 100 in a book by Iris Johansen called "Blind Alley". Its really unfortunate, because that and "Firestorm" are two books of hers that I haven't read, and they are only available in hardcover!!!!! so I have to read them in Chapters, because I'm poor. At 6:30 I met Geoff and we went into Phantom of the Opera!!!!!! ACK it was the best best best ever!!! I enjoyed myself soooooo much! unfortunatly, Geoff saw someone that was rather inconvenient for him, and was a little tense the whole evening. Either way, Phantom is stupendous, I want to see it again and again!!!!! When it started I got goosebumps! I want to be a good singer so badly, I want to make my voice do what their voices do!!!!

Anyways, after the show, Geoff drove me home, doing his best to be normal, but he was still really tense..... I couldn't think of a single thing to say that would make him feel better. I'm so inadaquate. I want to be his friend. I mean he really need someone strong in his court, and to be honest I believe in him, he may have done some stupid stuff, but who hasn't? (Gad, If I could count the number of times I looked back, and was like "what the hell did I just do?") He deserves better. And I intend to be there. Better than I was tonight though... useless....

I watched the Santa Clause, and Center Stage tonight, whilst knitting furiously. and bits and pieces of Misery..... ick. Anyways, tomorrow (or should I say today), I'm going to my mom's boyfriend's for dinner, so I'd better go off to bed. Love and joy come to you!


  • Melly, who was inconvenient for Geoff? I am very curious! It certainly was not me, for I have been nowhere near the movies the past couple days...who was it who was it, I am so curious!!!

    By Blogger VivaLaPinto, at December 24, 2004 10:07 AM  

  • Sex and Candy by Marcy Playground is the song. "Hangin round downtown by myself and I've had so mucht ime to sit and think about myself and then there she was, in platform double-seude, yeah there she was. Liek a disco lemonade... I smell sex and candy yeah. Who's that lounging in my chair? And who's that casting devious stares in my direction? Mama this surely is a dream."

    By Blogger barbara_mary, at December 24, 2004 10:40 AM  

  • thanks for the help with the song guys.... read fast martha or I will have to come over to your house and blast you to get the book read! Merry Christmas everyone, come see Panto!

    By Blogger Pineapple Princess!, at December 26, 2004 12:23 AM  

  • I have the book and I finished a week ago, you sillies!

    By Blogger Brianna, at December 27, 2004 11:49 AM  

  • Sometimes, I wish I could just leave Nanaimo. Which is weird cause I super-adore this city. but now is one of those times. I want out.

    By Blogger VivaLaPinto, at December 30, 2004 12:06 AM  

  • MElLLLLLLL , hehehe i hope you has a wonderful christmas te he ... lisa loves you , hehe byeeeeeee

    By Blogger Queen of Hearts, at December 30, 2004 12:03 PM  

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