Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Thursday, December 09, 2004

My leaving???? I think not. Idiot.

Its unfortunate, really. Friends are supposed to be people you can count on, not people who can be counted on to let you down. I felt let down by Tim (and Laura?) this week. You see, I may be overreacting, and I probably am..... Oh well thats just too damn bad, because this is where I get to express my feelings right? This is what happened: on Wednesday, I have my spare block last, and so does Tim. He had been asking Megan and everyone else to come with him to his house so that he could get his wallet, so he could take Laura out that night. And Megan didn't want to go, so he asked me to go with him, and I said no, because I actually had things to work on that block. But he looked so downhearted as he went out by himself, and I thought to myself, "This guy is trying to do a good thing for one of my friends, and I don't feel right about making him go it ALONE, I'll give him some support". And thats cool, so we walked down Hammond Bay road, for like 10-15 minutes (he talked CONSTANTLY about Laura, which is fine, kinda sad, but fine) and we got to a bus stop and he said "Okay wait here for Laura's bus while I go to get my wallet"..... I was a little confused but was like "sure" and I did just that. Laura and I chatted for a few moments and it was lovely, I really enjoy talking with that girl. Than Tim came back, and enstead of going to the school with me (we had a MuTh meeting after school) they decided to go back to Tims house and have sex. Laura made a few half-hearted attempts at inviting me to go with them to hang out, which were promptly squashed by Tim. To hurt insult after injury, he asked me to take Laura's choral book back to the school for them so they didn't have any reason to go back I cried most of the way back, and that negative feeling was increased for the rest of the night. So when Tim came up to me today while I was busy and said, "hey, I'm sorry about yesterday" I just didn't find it very sincere. Added to that, he posted on Lauras blog (and I quote) "I also miss Mel, but not enough to regret her leaving." HER LEAVING??????? fuckers.

On a related subject, while I would have gone about it differently, I agree with Brianna when she doesn't invite Alleah and Sean to her LIMITED NUMBERS party. If she could have as many people as she wanted, she said already that she would invite them, but she has a small house, and though I can see why Alleah is mad/hurt, they demonstrated a lack of respect for Brianna at her birthday party. I would feel the same way, only prolly less vindictive than Brianna.

Overall, things are going well, but I don't feel happy about them doing so. Also, I'm looking for another Alto for the Dover thing. Interested? let me know..... sorry for the angsty post, but I think the worst feeling is to be let down. And I feel let down. Unintentional perhaps. Hurtful nonetheless.


  • Hmm...

    I commented a reply to this on my blog.

    By Blogger Tim Banky, at December 12, 2004 11:04 AM  

  • Mel, PLEASE post another post...! This is so dismal, and negative, and un-you that it makes me sad to come here day after day to find it still here! Oh how I long for old-style carefree Mel! (it sounds like I am talking about Kentucky Fried Chicken--maybe I AM!!!!)

    By Blogger VivaLaPinto, at December 20, 2004 10:51 AM  

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