Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Monday, January 03, 2005


  1. My dog is missing, she is small and white, and ran away on new years eve
  2. Brad was "getting busy" with some girl on New Years eve
  3. I woke up with a very sore neck and NO action on New Years day
  4. Tonight I went to a party at Laura's, where Geoff and I were the only people there who were a) single and b) not currently dating someone at the party. While that normally would be rather awkward, but still fine, it ended up being rather painful and emtionally charged. Tim seems to have something mean to say to me at every turn and while expected, this still hurts. Besides which, Geoff, a good friend, seems off-limits for a romantic possibility. Thats fair enough but putting me in a room where theres him, and a bunch of other off limits people showing me what I can't have is kinda frustrating. This is not intended to be discriminatory against couples or even against couples period. I really like you guys. Just noting (on my own journal) how awkward it was for me.
  5. I hate work. I don't want to do it anymore.
  6. I don't know how I'm going to find money for prom
  7. My puppy is alone in the cold and dark!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or dead
  8. I feel very unattractive.
  9. I wanted to ask geoff if he wanted to watch movies with me tomorrow, but he went offline.... to sleep i presume.
  10. I have 2,614,445,507 seconds left to live, according to
  11. Loving relationships seem rather unattainable for me, which is interesting because I see no MAJOR flaws in myself . Perhaps all the mutitudes of small ones add up to a major one.
  12. I miss Kelsey. and Tasha. and Nicole (though need for nicole has been slightly satiated by panto)
  13. the irony is apparent.

Besides that life is fine. I read two good books. and got relatively enibriated on new years eve.... I need something which I can't find. I feel restless, and uneasy. The tension is like butter


  • Today, while I was sitting with your in our spare block, pretending to study my biology but really just staring blankly into space, I heard you say "Damnit, comment people!" when you checked your blog. Therefore, I decided to comment.
    I'm sorry about your dog, and if I see a small white dog I shall kidnap it and phone you, and see if it's your's...and if it isn't I'll put it back...and hope it doesn't have rabies...
    And the whole, party full of couples thing? That must've been a little awkward, perhaps if some couples UNATTACHED themselves from each other, every once in awhile and were actually two people...well I just think it would be kinda cool sometimes.

    By Blogger Megan, at January 04, 2005 4:28 PM  

  • brad... bahh... the girl means nothing to him, dont worry about it :)

    By Blogger Unknown, at January 06, 2005 10:02 PM  

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