Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Sunday, January 23, 2005


He told me to look at my hand, for a part of it came from a star that exploded too long ago to imagine. This part of my was formed from a tongue of fire that screamed through the heavens untill there was out sun. And this part of me - this tiny part of me was on the sun, when it itself exploded and whirled in a great mass untill the planets came to be.

And this part of me was than a whisper of the earth. When there was life, perhaps this part of me got lost in a fern that was crushed and covered untill it was coal. And than it was a diamond, Millions of years later, it must have been a diamond as beautiful as the star from which it had first come.

Or perhaps this part of me became lost in a terrible beast or became part of a huge bird which soared above the primeval swamps. He said this thing was so small - this part of me was so small, it couldn't be seen, but it was there from the beginning of the world. And He called this bit of me an atom. And when he wrote the word i fell in love with it.

What a beautiful word.


Think of me, Think of me fondly, when we've said goodbye
Remember me, every so often promise me you'll try
On that day, that not so distant day, when you are far away and free,
if you ever find a moment spare a thought for me.
And though its clear, though it was always clear that it was never meant to be,
if you happen to remember, stop and think of me.
Think of August when the trees were green
Don't think aboiut the way things might have been.
Think of me, think of me waking, silent and resigned.
Imagine me, trying to hard to put you from my mind.
Think of me, please say you'll think of me, whatever else you choose to do
There will never be a day when I won't think of you!

Anyways, those are the pieces I'm auditioning today. This was an exercise in my memory skills. I've failed. My memory is so bad now, its like three years till I won't remember any of your names!!!! iep.:( Make-es me sad. Last night we watched a "scary" movie. feardotcom. It wasnt scary except when the dead body moved its head. That was scary. I don't like scary movies, they freak me out, and doen't make me happy I like being happy.
In fact, In response to Brianna's thing, which I answered jokingly before. What I want: To be happy.
Overall, thats the most succinct way to say what I want. Sure I'd like to be famous and loved and all that shazz. but even without those things, I would like to be happy.
Thats why I like my coffee so much! (j/k)


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