Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Today went rather well! Auditions were kinda really crappy, cuz the song went like c-rap and I forgot part of my monologue. But Idunno, its a maybe I guess. I might get someting..... *hopes* ... *hopes harder* It makes me nervous when there are people I know watching, like Geoff, DC, Trish and Jordan... I'm just lucky that laura and them were'nt there! After, Geoff and I went to Timmy's and went to Marthas where we played Fable till six lol! Geoff got totally annoyed with me cuz I was caffeine buzzed and annoying, but I felt bad anyways... Marthas little sis has gotten soooo grown up, she made a sexual reference today which was a little creepy. Especially because it was about Gareth, and while Gareth and martha are awesome together and I wholeheartedly lurve them as a couple, Its still a little odd for me, cuz martha's still like 12 in my mind, and gareth is... well, our age! thats totally unfair of me, cuz everyone grows up and stuff, but.... Idunno, it happens, you think of people as being a certain age cuz thats how they are in your mind, you know?

ANYWAYS we came back to my house for dinner, which I was too full for anyways because I had SOOOO much popcorn, pizza and goldfish (one had a smirk ;)) at marthas! But there was fun dinner conversation, and I laughed much more than I usually do on a sunday night and Geoff left early (-apparently- he had stuff to do :p), but thats cool, cuz I'll get sleep to start off this school week! (4 day week, than no more!!!!!)

And my daddy gave my a gilbert and sullivan book which made me really happy!!! I am only reading the Gondoliers secton cuz Thats all I know, and it makes me feel cool to sing along with the book. IN WHATEVER KEY I WANT!!!!!!

anyways I must sleep
hugs and Kissish

*crosses fingers* I love you Barbara!


  • Barbara's pregnant, isn't she?

    By Blogger VivaLaPinto, at January 24, 2005 4:30 PM  

  • hey Alleah, why dont you just shout it from the rooftops? Or better yet, make a CNN special! I dont think the people in Uganda have heard!

    By Blogger Brianna, at January 24, 2005 7:35 PM  

  • God. Seriously. I am NOT pregnant. New rule, ask me before you ask other people. Sheesh. Anyways, Melly, I heard from Trish that you did a great job at your auditions, and that you were more suited than some other jerk-face who sang the same song. *love to mel*

    By Blogger barbara_mary, at January 24, 2005 8:36 PM  

  • dudette, i have not seen you in such a long time. Jenn & I randomly make plans to crash the school u cant walk in, because it doesnt go in a circle... but sumthing stupid always happens, like a test date gets changed so we actually have to go to class. In the semester that isnt from hell, we will soon partay.

    By Blogger Unknown, at January 24, 2005 11:18 PM  

  • Hi Mel! I'm sure you did awesome in your auditions. I was just wonderin if you left your glasses at my place on Saturday.

    By Blogger JB, at January 27, 2005 9:30 AM  

  • Jelody, it's been over a week and you've not a wee posty for us all... the tumbleweeds demand content! :p

    By Blogger K, at January 31, 2005 10:40 PM  

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