Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Friday, April 22, 2005

YAY! I was listening to seussical, and its just the most fun thing EVER! If I'm not in Vancouver by July, I'll definetly be in it! I want to be Gertrude McFuzz SO BAD!!!!! I Like chocolate sooooooo much, for my birthday I just want a billion bars of milk chocolate to last me all year.... (thats probably a bad idea) Its Barabara's Birthday today, so I'll be bringing biscuits, because the last time we had a pot luck, they went over quite well... But I'm in the mood for a fruit platter, so I hope someone brings one!!!

Anywho, things have been pretty neat lately, I went to "Mind Games" last night, and it hit me a lot more than I thought it would. At the end when Laura's character broke down I started crying, and I'm not sure why, because I mean sure it was emotional, But not as much as other things that I dont cry about, but I guess I just really related to the character. I really liked Martha and Cora's play too (it was the first time I saw it).

I am totally in the mood for an iced cap! I'm trying to unaddict myself from Blended strawberry lemonades from Starbucks..... but theyre just soooooooooooo good! Yesterday aftyer choir, Laura and Brianna and I bought one and a raspberry mocha frap, and atedrank them under the cherry tree!

*exclaim* I went to Vanier with Brianna's rugby team, and it was sooooooo hot out, it was fun watching the game though!

oooh and we're coming up to Folk song festival.... I'm singing "Chi Mi Na Morbhenna" for my solo, and singing "Come all ye fair and Tender Ladies" with my dad.... but we have to work on that soon! In choir we're singing "Rise again" and I REALLY want the solo in it, because I know it so well and I love it!!!!!

anywho.... yeah I'm glad that people still read the blogg:)


  • thanks for coming mel :)

    By Blogger Corita, at April 22, 2005 3:30 PM  

  • CHOCOLATE YES! hehe, dont get smoothies from haz-beans or they'll be next on your list of addictions * cough* fourberry blast is the best one* The best part of the fruit platter is the pineapple.
    GL w/ the solo.


    By Blogger Unknown, at April 22, 2005 11:02 PM  

  • Somehow, I just can't handle Starbucks. I've had stuff that was really good yet, but I am as yet a Starbucks newbie, and know not what to order. And that is the biggest problem with Starbucks.

    No thankyou, I shall stick to my Tim Hortons Cafe Mocha double doubles.

    By Blogger VivaLaPinto, at April 26, 2005 10:12 AM  

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