Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Saturday, May 28, 2005

top ten things I'm pissed off about

1. Brianna's mom
2. Myself, and how I jump to the most negative conclusions possible
3. people who don't call me back
4. how the less I eat, the more weight I gain
5. People who can't value what they have because they're always searching for something "more". And when they find it, they realize that it wasn't what they needed in the first place
6. That he wasn't there to see the frog I found. And how happy I was when it made me think of him
7. being the back up friend. for when people have nothing better to do. Don't try to deny it, when's the last time you called to make plans with me? or invited me to a party (exemptions - Brianna, Dan and Laura)
8. shane and laura. God, I wish I could feel even a smidge of what they feel for each other.... they have to stop taking that for granted.
9. Talking about people behind their backs.
10. assuming you know what another person is feeling and discounting that, because it wouldn't matter to you.


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