Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Monday, August 15, 2005

Love's Labours Lost

I enjoy alliteration.

Lisa and Spencer came to visit me on my break last night, it was super! I really like them together, I'm not sure what their deal is, but I dont care cuz its cute.

Yesterday I went to the mall and saw a billion people I know; Sarah W, Tasha, Dan, Gareth, Jenn B, and Cora. I took a bus to Laura's house cuz I'm housesitting till tomorrow than walked up to Brianna's house, for the games night. It was an odd group of people, but entirely worthwhile. I was supposed to meet Brady and Tasha for coffee at ten before I worked at 11, but Brady wasnt able to make it, so it was just me and TAsha, which is still cool.

I worked the Graveyard again, and so In my head its still sunday. weird. it was pretty slow and therefore, seemed slightly longer than expected. I took the bus to Lauras house and crashed for 5 hours or so, I'm starting to get used to this whole Graveyard thing... essentially its like, you don't sleep ever, so its okay!

Tongiht theres something going on at Geoffs house so I think I'll prolly end up going to that.

Nothing much new. HOnestly people, comments are neat, without them, why would I bother. I wrote a superlong post last time and didn't get ANY comments on it (Besides glenns sex story!) WHats all that about!?


  • what are YOU all about, yeah thats right, I went there. Im meeting you in roughly half an hour, coincidence? I think not. morgan freeman owns you

    By Blogger Dan, at August 15, 2005 5:09 PM  

  • mel

    calllll meeeeeeee

    did you hear back from white spot?

    By Blogger Laura, at August 15, 2005 7:01 PM  

  • I always come to timmys on my break but i never get to see you which is sad. i dont think i could handle working all night, id probably end up sleeping on the counter or something

    By Blogger Kate Patrick, at August 15, 2005 11:00 PM  

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