Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Sunday, August 21, 2005


I went to Qualicm with Geoff today to see him, (and a bunch of other people too) in Honk with Bard to Broadway. It was so good, this one part where Ugly is singing about how he hates being different, I got all teary :S... The girl who plays Ida Duck is so cute as Geoff's mother! and Aron as the bullfrog was really great. I wish I had seen it earlier in the summer, so that I could see it again!

Last night Tasha and AJ slept over at my house again, and before that I hung out with Glenn at his house for awhile. In the day I had planned to go and do something with Laura, but she had to go to Newcastle Island to get a campsite for her and tim. So she came over to downtown in the afternoon we hung out for a couple of hours, and I got my Labret pierced! (thats the area right below your bottom lip) It looks ok, depending on who you ask...

Friday night, Cora and I slept at my dads house, indulged in some illegal beverages and watched a movie or two.

Not many updates, really from this end.... I'll update more if more interesting stuff happens to me, that I can talk about on the internet :P


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