Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Hearts don't actually look like this... or do they?

On friday night I went with my dad and step-mom to the Laura Cortese show in qualicum, and I can't believe I never noticed it before, shes cora's double, Its not even their looks, which are SIMILAR; but its their actions, attitude and their laugh, its the same!! It really freaked me out. it was a great show though, I met a guy I played with as a small child, and he's very nice.

Saturday I worked in the daytime atfer being really really really early. After that I went to the show at dover, which was absolutly amazing. I was BLOWN AWAY by everyone, but particularly Tessie. Her performance as andrea, was astounding. It was NOT Tessie up there at all, usually you see part of someone incorperated into the character, but with this one, it was all andrea. You know how I could tell? Usually, when I see tessie, onstage, or in real life, theres a FAINT buzzing of attraction at the back of my brain, and this is true with several people, and each one has different frequencies, does that make sesne? But when she was onstage as andrea, that buzzing did not exist. It had nothing to do with her clothes, cuz there was a buzzing when I saw her before/after the show, but onstage... woah. Glenn was really good as richard too, I love that character, he makes me happy. Rick and Spencer, and, in fact, everyone in the cast, matt, gill, etc. were hilarious in The first show. I enjoyed them all, "Jerry Finnegan's Sister" was sooooooooo cute! We met this girl who does lights for it, and she was awesome too. I loved the end... meet you in the driveway :) *girly giggle*

After the show, we walked to Nolans house and everyone got totally wasted. like, shane is so sick today, he was drinking lemon heart - dark rum, and was just terrible. I ws pretty drunk too. I feel bad for nolan, having to clean up this morning before his mum and dad get home is gunna be a bitch.

This is the beginning of the "these are the things I remember when I think of you" series. Today its geoff. When I think about geoff I remember:
~I remember the first time I met you - at arts alive, you were sitting behind alleah, all wrapped around her, and I thought to myself what a great feeling it must be to be surrounded in so much love
~I remmebr you in the gondoliers, singing and waring those awesome costumes
~I remember you coming to pick me up and drive me to/from rehearsal, or to and from other places
~I remember you learning the dance a cachucha hahaha :D
~I remmeber eating with you at white spot only to get our food and look over and see you pulling your onions off, which is what I was just doing, without realizing we were doing the same thing
~I remember coming to see chasing chester play at dover, and beiong so proud of you, like parents are when there kids are in elementry school plays, they see potenial!
~I remember playing video games with you
~I remember wathing those war movies, band of brothers... we never finished them
~I remember going downtown with you and watching the moon rise
~I remember what happened after we left downtown, and realized that there was nowhere else to go, Timmys and downtown, late at night.... that was fun too
~I remember getting pizza with you and always sharing cuz we have the same favourite, pineapple and feta cheese...

these are the things I remember when I think of you

If yo would like to know what I remember when I think of you, send your name, address, and credit card information to me. Or, comment!


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