Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Chastity is a virtue. Promiscuity is much more fun.

Main Entry: chaste
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: pure
Synonyms: austere, celibate, clean, continent, controlled, decent, decorous, elegant, frigid, immaculate, impotent, inexperienced, innocent, intemerate, maidenly, modest, monogamous, moral, neat, platonic, proper, prudish, quiet, refined, restrained, simple, spotless, stainless, subdued, unaffected, unblemished, uncontaminated, undefiled, unstained, unsullied, unwed, vestal, virginal, virtuous, wholesome

Main Entry: promiscuous
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: sexual
Synonyms: abandoned, alley cat, bum, cheap, debauched, dissipated, dissolute, dog, easy mark, fast, for free, immoral, indiscriminate, lax, libertine, licentious, loose, musical beds, profligate, pushover, put out, run around, sex job, sleep around, slut, swinging, tramp, two-time, unbridled, unchaste, undiscriminating, unrestricted, wanton, wild

wow... some words in both of those are not very flattering. seems as though you can't win for trying....


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