Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Yes, you are under ALLL the mangoes

I missed this blog. Really. I changed the template so I could view it again, I hope you all can out there too!

Ok so Its been over a week, what ahpepned?

Friday, i don't think I did much, theres nothing on the planner anyways, it was payday, whick doesnt really affect me, cuz its all going towards cali anyways!

Saturday, I hung hung around at hame all day, cuz the stupid, freaking stock never came, and at six, i went to dover so i could sing O Canada for this boxing tournament, thing. It was cool, I got free popcorn.

Sunday I went to my step-grandma's birthday party.

Monday I went to school! it was excellent, I at in on the acting class, and stef and I made an awesome scene. I killed her in it, I was amused :P Martha and stef came ot visit me on my break, and we had a nice lunch! Then I went to work which was le bunk. But after work I went to stef's and we (me, stef, cora, drew, spencer, nick, kevin) watched Fight Club! having hands in other peoples pockets is nice :)

Tuesday I worked, then organized some of the things cora and I are going to have in our house from my moms.

Wednesday I worked, went to my voice lesson, and then got my hair cut.

Thursday I worked then I went to Laura's house. We had a delicious dinner, and then went crazy, and said really silly things. And dyed my hair. also watched Sweet Home Alabama :) (Yes you are under all the mangoes)

Friday (yesterday) I went to work and then Went to cora's house. We watched Domino and then took the dog for a walk.

Today (Saturday) I have Nanaimo Idol. Theres a $1000 cash prize, and that would be super, but its really just for fun! I'm singing "You really got a hold on me" by the Beatles. Its one of my favourite songs, and reminds me of so many people for so many different reasons!

ANyways Wish me luck!


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