Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

100th Post

I've been trying very hard to think of what i should do for this post.... after a year and a half of posting on my blog, I've gotten (finally) to a hundred. That means an average of a post in every 4 or 5 days... insane or what? particularly considering as I didnt write more then once in the whole time I was in victoria (4 months)

I wanted to do a highlishts thing... but I figure thats been done, and I'm really too lazy.
But since October of 2004, I gotta say, a lot has actually happened to me:
GOndoliers, Bye Bye Birdie, panto, Seussical, choir
Geoff, Gareth, Shane, AJ, Chris, J, Martha, B, Cora, Glenn... I think
Nanaimo, Victoria, Prom, grad, parties, birthdays

Thanks guys. Overall, even with all the drama and heartache, its been a fantastic time <3


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