Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Please Pease Please, Let Me Get What I Want

Okay so Friday night, after I got to Shanes, I sat around reading Harry Potter well into the party, chatting with whoever showed up. There werem any fun Party antics, much of which I cant remember, Other then the french girl making $5 off a bet with Kyle that Martha and I wouldnt make out by the end of the night, and then me getting 3, and her getting 2. We seem to be genuine whores now :S
I ended up sleeping at Jenns, cuz she needed to talk about some stuff

Saturday, in the morning we hung out with jenns mom, and Ed. then we went down to Shanes where everyone had already cleaned up, I felt bad, we just kinda hung out for the balance of the day and then in the evening, I got will to drive me to Cora's where Nathan picked us up and we drove to alleahs for the annual Down With Love party! there, also were many evens of amusing drunkenness. I spent some time getting to know Jordan, an aquaintance from a sorta, friend-of-a-friend way... He's a very interesting person. I would enjoy very much getting to know him in a... *ahem* different atmosphere. And context, for that matter. He auditioned for Bard to broadway also, so I guess If I get in, I will see slightly more of him. *nods* I ended up going back to Shanes, geoff kindly consented to drive.

This morning, we slept in very nicely, like 11. Thats intense for me. Shane and I went to Timmys again before Tasha and AJ woke up and he bought me a bagel and tea:D

On a side note, shane and I are going to California at the end of april, to see these bands and go to disneyland for 3 days! I'm SO excited!!!!! (anybody interested in saving $1000 and coming, contact me)

We kinda just fucked around all day, did a whole lotta nothing, then shane drove me home, and martha and I watched strike. MOST AWKWARD THING EVER: we were making out on the couch when my brother and mother walked in. They may not have seen it, because they rang the doorbell as they were walking in, but I think they did. I have never felt so awkward in my life. And martha started babbling. However, before they came in, it was really nice. we stopped at one point, but then Muse's cover of "please please please, let me get what I want" came on, and we just coulnt resist. She and I have such a WEIRD relationship, seriously, one night we make out with each other for money, the next we can be making out with different guys in a hallway, and the next night, we're kissing on the couch. Its just a thing with us. Its cool. She one of those people I hope I will always be friends with. in fact I can see her being a really fun roommate. Lots of fun conversations and plans were chatted about this evening.....

ANywho Im going to go read some more HP.... leave you with an excellent make out song :P (not that I would know)


"On A Slow Night"

True beautiful one
What have you gone and done
I can see all your moves are new
Tell me what did that salesman do to you

That catalogue replaced
The fine mind behind your face
No human trio can compete
When that three way mirror meets your eye

On a slow night
On a slow night

How you would walk the fashion mile
Hand me down and call it style
Your boots were scratchy black
Your hat was just a hat
The lips on you were plain
The better to a kiss sustain

On a slow night
On a slow night


  • yeah, that's pretty awkward...i must say.
    but yeah, read my new comment on the failing blog about being walked in on.
    oh god. it was last night.
    and it was horrible...but hilarious.

    By Blogger Laura, at February 13, 2006 9:35 AM  

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