Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Update on Life since wednesday

O tayy, so wednesday night, the one acts were wayyy better then on MOnday, "Jack's pants" was hilarious, and "the line that picked up 1,000 Babes", was awesome as well, geoff is SUCH a cute drunk! (even Mr. A Says so!) "Deliver us not" was a very different take, and in my opinion, slightly more enjoyable then when dover did it, (I loved it when the one had kinked his cord, and is licking the leaves of the plant!) But they both had their ups and downs.

Thursday I went to work late (as in: called in and said, I'm going to be coming at 1, not nine) and only worked untill 6, because I had to catch my bus from woodgrove at 6:15. I made sex in a pan, watched the OC and went in the hot tub with martha. it was a grand ole' time, and totally 100% non-sexual! see, I knew it was possible, a totally not-sexual object :P:P:P

Yesterday I worked 8 hours (Because we got a HUGE shipment on Wednesday) and then went to this celtic show with my dad. It was good, but the highlight was seeing Kelsey!!! and the brownies, man, were they ever good!

I was really frustrated because I called Ahley and jenn before the show to see if they wanted to do something after and they were like yeah call ashley's cell, but when I called there was no answer,. and they never called me back. It really pissed me off, and I never get to see just jenn, alone anymore, which is what I really wanted to do yesterday. ANyways I get to see them all together, tonight, so I suppose I'll take what I have to.

<3 to everyone


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