Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


My life consists mostly of working and hanging out at Shanes these days. Last night Ashley, Jenn and I slept at Shanes house. I feel so bad because I know he doesnt get as good a sleep when he's got people over. But I also know hes very pleased thta people like to hang out at his house, Because he never goes anywhere interesting, its the only time he gets to see anyone.

I'm going back to the One Acts at Mal tonight, which should be fun. I have my voice lesson and then I'm going straight there, hopefully shane will pick me up *fingers crossed*. I went to the one ac ts on Monday. They were great fun, particularly "Jack's Pants", which was just so funny. I felt awkward sitting in front of my dad while it was on though :S I was like, praying shane wouldnt turn around and say something about this weekend, because in the play they were somking weed....

Thursday, Im hanging out with Martha, Friday Im going to this celtic show with my dad (where I hope to see Kelsey!) Saturday day Im hanging out with Geoff, if I dont have to work, Saturday night is a girls night with the poeple Im moving in with, and so far sunday is free, If Im not working. Next week I intend on buying 4 pairs of shoes on payday :P I have the cutest shoes picked out for Down With Love!!!!!

ANyways I have to go get ready for work. COmments are neat!


  • hey mel!!!!!!!

    hope everything is going awesome with you.

    p.s. read my blog about the shakespeare translation we learned.
    it blew my mind to learn that shakespeare was so dirty!!!

    By Blogger Laura, at February 01, 2006 9:30 PM  

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