Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

longtime, no post

hey kids! I have internet access for the first time in forever, because I'M BACK HOME IN NANAIMO!!!! for like 2 days, which is longer than I have since I moved down at the end of august.

so thursday night I went to vancouver for two nights to see llowyn, and katie p. It was really great so see them again, we had lots of fun, and I navigated the skytrain and the bus system all by myself untill I found llowyn busking at the stadium station (thats where his mom said he'd be, dont be too impressed, no crazy intuition) and so we hung out thursday night, and friday day and friday night, and then on saturday morning I came to Nanaimo (by morning I obviously mean like 2:15) and Dan met me at me at the ferry, than we saw James, dans mom, Laura, Brianna, Martha, Cora, Stephen, Jenn B. Ashley, Will, Brady, Tidey, Glenn, his girlfriend Robyn, Nicole, Gareth, Geoff, Alleah, Ace... yeah I think thats it, but it was ahuge number of people for that amount of time and I was supposed to go back on the first bus this morning, but I might have strep throat so, I'm staying till tonight. I should call/see Barbara, Tasha, AJ, Brady (I only saw him for like 5 minutes) and it'd be really nice to see Megan. and Tim...

anyways.... I know nobody reads this because I never post, but still.... I am now right? :D


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