Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Monday, August 29, 2005

My first day

Okay so, yesterday, I was sheduled to start work at 11, so I'm there at 15 minutes early, and the nice blone lady who was there, said he wouldnt be there till right at 11, so to go get a coffee, so I did! mmmmmm coffee..... SO anyways, we make bunwiches (sandwiches in buns) and theyre really quite good. about a billion differentkinds, but the mot popular, is by far the "super bun" they've ben selling them for over 30 years. Its pretty sweet.

In other news, I might be in a band and a choir! theres a couple people I've talked to down here who I'm gunna jam with, and maybe do band stuff :) And Prima Youth Choir, I want to audition and join, it looks so good, 16 t0 23 year olds, and all good!!! I'm excied

Anyways, I'm staying at Laura and elenas tonight

I'm excited:D

<3 Talk to you all after my first day at Subway!!!



    I'm glad to hear you weren't a street child, because I think I might have had a panic attack if you'd been without a place to stay.

    I miss you too, I haven't seen you in weeks, and I'm sorry to hear your hair is gray.

    I heard you like the bun shop though!

    Stay cool, Victoria's only a couple of hours away!

    By Blogger Megan, at August 30, 2005 2:01 AM  

  • victoria is far away. i got to van more

    By Blogger Unknown, at September 01, 2005 2:01 AM  

  • Mel you SO lied to us, you have not been blogging what I would call alot. I demand reparations immediately. At least 5 more posts from you, and several comments from me, start...NOW

    By Blogger Dan, at September 06, 2005 7:44 AM  

  • I second that

    By Blogger Unknown, at September 06, 2005 10:06 PM  

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