Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Friday, August 26, 2005

Past couple of whileses

This week has been fairly low key. I've gotten to know AJ much better, and I really have enjoyed that, because he's a great guy. Everyone should be so lucky as to have someone like him in their lives.

On monday I hung out with Gareth for a little while, after meeting a billion people at the mall! and than Nicole came ovr, and we just spent some real quality time together... I miss her...

TUesday AJ and I hung out and talkwed about pzza. It was pretty sweet, we have this whole set of inside joes nobody else but us gets:D Tuesday night my family had heystacks and Cassy had a crisis. So it was just me and AJ again, for a large portion of the day!

Wednesday was the laziest day I've had in a very very long time, I didnt do anything, all day... Than, at night, I know I did something.... hummm, Oh yeah! I went to watch my dad rehearse with his music group celtic chaos. Theyre pretty awesome. I went to watch movies with Tasha and Syd. But fell asleep, very early.

Thursday night, last ngiht, AJ slept over yet again, and we stayed up talking till far too late, of cabbages and kings, and whether pigs have wings. (most don't we've decided)

Anyways, I know this was a boring post, but I'm going to Victoria tonight, so I suppose, i will be able to have some interesting this to say when i come back. <3


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