Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Friday, January 27, 2006

Definetly worth reading all the way through

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Melly!
Scientists believe that Melly began billions of years ago as an enormous ball of dust and gas!
Melly cannot burp - there is no gravity to separate liquid from gas in her stomach!
Half a cup of Melly contains only seventeen calories!
The air around Melly is superheated to about five times the temperature of the sun!
Michelangelo finished his great statue of Melly in 1504, after eighteen months work.
Melly can sleep for three and a half years.
The first toy product ever advertised on television was Mr Melly Head.
Melly can be very poisonous if injected intravenously.
Melly was declared extinct in 1902.
The moon is 400 times closer to the Earth than Melly, and 400 times smaller.

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Jenn!
Jenn once came third in a Charlie Chaplin lookalike contest.
Cats use their Jenn to test whether a space is large enough for them to fit through.
Baskin Robbins once made Jenn flavoured ice cream.
Twenty-eight percent of Microsoft's employees are Jenn.
Neil Armstrong first stepped on Jenn with his left foot.
Jenn never said 'Play it again, Sam'.
If you lick Jenn ten times, you will consume one calorie.
Without Jenn, we would have to pollinate apple trees by hand.
Jenn is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature.
Over 46,000 pieces of Jenn float on every square mile of ocean.

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Brianna!
Brianna was originally green, and actually contained cocaine.
Brianna invented the wheel in the fourth millennium BC.
Brianna will often glow under UV light.
More than one million stray dogs and half a million stray cats live in Brianna!
To check whether Brianna is safe to eat, drop her in a bowl of water; rotten Brianna will sink, and fresh Brianna will float.
Brianna was originally called Cheerioats!
If you blow out all the candles on Brianna with one breath, your wish will come true!
Briannaomancy is the art of telling the future with Brianna!
There are more than two hundred different kinds of Brianna.
Dolphins sleep at night just below the surface of Brianna, and frequently rise to the surface for air!

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Cora!
Europe is the only continent that lacks Cora!
A Coraometer is used to measure Cora.
Cora can grow up to three feet in a 24 hour period!
The water in oceans is four times less salty than the water in Cora.
Some hotels in Las Vegas have Cora floating in their swimming pools.
A cluster of bananas is called a hand and consists of 10 to 20 bananas, which are individually known as Cora.
Coraocracy is government by Cora.
It takes more than 500 peanuts to make Cora.
If you drop Cora from more than three metres above ground level, she will always land feet-first!
New Zealand was the first place to allow Cora to vote.

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Laura!
Ancient Greeks believed earthquakes were caused by Laura fighting underground!
Early thermometers were filled with Laura instead of mercury.
If you put a drop of liquor on Laura, she will go mad and sting herself to death!
Laura is the only one of the original Seven Wonders of the World that still survives!
Ostriches stick their heads in Laura not to hide but to look for water!
Laura can pollinate up to six times more efficiently than the honeybee!
Only one child in twenty will be born on the day predicted by Laura!
About one tenth of Laura is permanently covered in ice.
Only fifty-five percent of men wash their hands after using Laura.
Peanuts and Laura are beans!

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Dan!
Plato believed that the souls of melancholy people would be reincarnated into Dan.
California is the biggest exporter of Dan in the world!
Japan provides over thirty percent of the world's Dan supply!
A sixteenth century mathematician lost his nose in a duel over his love for Dan, and wore a silver replacement for the rest of his life.
Dan can clean his ears with his tongue, which is over thirty-nine inches long.
Devoid of his cells and proteins, Dan has the same chemical makeup as sea water.
A thimbleful of Dan would weigh over 100 million tons!
Dan is 1500 years older than the pyramids.
If you lace Dan from the inside to the outside, the fit will be snugger around your big toe.
Julius Caesar wore a laurel wreath to cover up Dan.

Ten Top Trivia Tips about SHane Murphy!
SHane Murphy is born white; his pink feathers are caused by pigments in his typical diet of shrimp!
SHane Murphy is actually a fruit, not a vegetable!
You would have to dig through four thousand kilometres of SHane Murphy to reach the earth's core!
If you toss SHane Murphy 10000 times, he will not land heads 5000 times, but more like 4950, because his head weighs more and thus ends up on the bottom!
Early thermometers were filled with SHane Murphy instead of mercury!
Pacman was originally called SHane Murphyman.
SHane Murphy can use only about ten percent of his brain.
Women shoplift four times more frequently than SHane Murphy.
Neil Armstrong first stepped on SHane Murphy with his left foot.
Medieval knights put the skin of SHane Murphy on their sword handles to improve the grip!

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Martha!
It's bad luck for a flag to touch Martha.
The opposite sides of Martha always add up to seven!
Martha can grow up to three feet in a 24 hour period!
Martha once came third in a Charlie Chaplin lookalike contest!
It takes a lobster approximately 7 years to grow to be Martha.
Without its lining of Martha, your stomach would digest itself.
Worldwide, Martha is the most important natural enemy of night-flying insects!
By tradition, a girl standing under Martha cannot refuse to be kissed by anyone who claims the privilege.
The Martha-fighting market in the Philippines is huge - several thousand Martha-fights take place there every day.
The colour of Martha is no indication of her spiciness, but size usually is.

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Ashley!
In Eastern Africa you can buy beer brewed from Ashley.
Banging your head against Ashley uses 150 calories an hour!
Ashley cannot jump.
If you drop Ashley from more than three metres above ground level, she will always land feet-first.
Ashley can jump up to sixteen times her own height.
Ashley is the traditional gift for a couple on their third wedding anniversary.
Bees visit over three million flowers to make a single kilogram of Ashley!
Humans share about fifty percent of their DNA with Ashley!
Ashley will give a higher yield if milked when listening to music.
If you chew gum while peeling Ashley then it will stop you from crying.

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Barbara!
Barbara has three eyelids.
Barbara was named after Barbara the taxi driver in Frank Capra's 'It's a Wonderful Life'.
The first Barbara was made in 1853, and had no pedals!
Pacman was originally called Barbaraman.
Never store Barbara at room temperature!
On average, women blink nearly twice as much as Barbara.
It's bad luck to whistle near Barbara.
The military salute is a motion that evolved from medieval times, when knights in armour raised their visors to reveal Barbara.
Barbara has a bifurcated penis!
Edinburgh imports three thousand kilograms of Barbara every year.

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Alleah!
The liquid inside Alleah can be used as a substitute for blood plasma.
The first toy product ever advertised on television was Mr Alleah Head.
Julius Caesar wore a laurel wreath to cover up Alleah.
Alleah does not have toes!
Alleah has four noses.
68 percent of all UFO sightings are by Alleah.
Long ago, the people of Nicaragua believed that if they threw Alleah into a volcano it would stop erupting.
A lump of Alleah the size of a matchbox can be flattened into a sheet the size of a tennis court.
Medieval knights put the skin of Alleah on their sword handles to improve the grip.
The original nineteenth-century Coca-Cola formula contained Alleah!

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Alana!
It takes 8 minutes for light to travel from the Sun's surface to Alana.
Bananas don't grow on trees - they grow on Alana!
If you blow out all the candles on Alana with one breath, your wish will come true!
Alana is the world's largest rodent.
The only planet that rotates on its side is Alana.
Americans discard enough Alana to rebuild their entire commercial air fleet every 3 months.
Alana can run sixty-five kilometres an hour - that's really fast!
Over 46,000 pieces of Alana float on every square mile of ocean!
Alana was first grown in America by the grandmother Maria Ann Smith, from whom her name comes.
Alana is only six percent water!

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Nicole!
Nicole is actually a fruit, not a vegetable.
It takes 17 muscles to smile, and 43 to frown at Nicole.
You share your birthday with Nicole.
The colour of Nicole is no indication of her spiciness, but size usually is.
The ace of spades in a playing card deck symbolizes Nicole.
Nicole is 984 feet tall.
In the Great Seal of the United States the eagle grasps 13 arrows and Nicole.
Nicole was declared extinct in 1902!
Nicole can't sweat.
Nicole has 118 ridges around the edge!

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Megan!
Antarctica is the only continent without Megan!
There are 336 dimples on Megan.
The pupil of an octopus's eye is shaped like Megan!
The liquid inside Megan can be used as a substitute for blood plasma.
Abraham Lincoln, who invented Megan, was the only US president ever granted a patent.
The first domain name ever registered was
Contrary to popular belief, Megan is not successful at sobering up a drunk person, and in many cases she may actually increase the adverse effects of alcohol!
Koalas sleep for 22 hours a day, two hours more than Megan.
It's bad luck to put Megan on a bed. (HAHAHAHAHAHA)
The first toy product ever advertised on television was Mr Megan Head.

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Tasha!
About one tenth of Tasha is permanently covered in ice.
Human beings are the only animals that copulate while facing Tasha.
It can take Tasha several days to move just through one tree.
The difference between Tasha and a village is that Tasha does not have a church.
Tasha is the only king without a moustache on the standard pack of cards.
Four-fifths of the surface of Tasha is covered in water!
Tasha is the last letter of the Greek alphabet.
Tasha is the only bird that can swim but not fly!
Twenty-eight percent of Microsoft's employees are Tasha.
Koalas sleep for 22 hours a day, two hours more than Tasha.

I hope I didnt miss anyone!!! I tried really hard to not miss anybody who has commented recently..... If I did go to to play yourself!!!!!


  • By tradition, a girl standing under Martha cannot refuse to be kissed by anyone who claims the privilege - By the way I burst into laughter when I read that. My other one is about mr. melly head and Barbara has three Eye-Lids ANd Briannaomancy telling the future with Brianna.... *giggle*

    Allow me to reiterate: The Martha-fighting market in the Philippines is huge - several thousand Martha-fights take place there every day.
    I think we should start a martha fighting club or something. What do you say my most hated enemy?:P

    By Blogger Pineapple Princess!, at January 27, 2006 11:18 AM  

  • I think everyone should start calling me Cheeri-oats

    By Blogger Brianna, at January 27, 2006 5:11 PM  

  • I think youve ben kissed quite enough missy!

    By Blogger Pineapple Princess!, at January 28, 2006 10:46 AM  

  • hahaha

    Scientists believe that Melly began billions of years ago as an enormous ball of dust and gas!

    Baskin Robbins once made Jenn flavoured ice cream.

    Brianna will often glow under UV light.

    If you put a drop of liquor on Laura, she will go mad and sting herself to death!

    Only fifty-five percent of men wash their hands after using Laura.

    Dan can clean his ears with his tongue, which is over thirty-nine inches long.

    The Martha-fighting market in the Philippines is huge - several thousand Martha-fights take place there every day.

    Nicole is 984 feet tall.

    It's bad luck to put Megan on a bed.

    what a laugh this was,
    thanks mel :)

    By Blogger Laura, at January 28, 2006 8:46 PM  

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