Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Saturday, February 18, 2006


So tuesday, enstead of going to a movie with me, gareth said he didn't want to be friends with me anymore. It hurt. A lot. I'm a terrible girlfriend, but I'm an ok friend I think. I went to Tim Hortons and then went back to shanes for a bit, hung out there watching him fix a computer.

I've been really sick this week, I don't know its just lame. I miss out on stuff :S

Thursday I watched Rent with Nicole, Megan annnnnnnnnnnd...... KATIE P.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (all people I see far too little of)

Yesterday i went to Shanes to watch movies with a BUNCH of people, but I went to bed, at like 9:30... (sad I know, but I've been sick) and when I woke up this morning, a whole bunch of people that should be here... like shane, we'rent, and nobodys woken up to tell me whats going on yet... I'm confused.

In better news, I dont have to work till moday!!! I might go to the show at the scout hut tonight, support geoff and such.

I want B2B to tell me if I got in or not!!!!!! I'm totally stressin about it, not that I can do anything, but It'd be really cool if I got in, and I didnt last year... :S

I am currently: anxious. I've been feeling anxiety a lot lately
I am listening to people sleeping, and the barest hints of "La vie Boheme"


  • hey.
    the gareth situation sure sounds familiar to me.
    i'm sorry you have to go through that too mel.
    it does suck. but in my opinion, it's very immature of them to say what they said.
    you're a wonderful friend, don't forget that. i love you!
    when i heard from b2b last year it was the beginning of march, so we still have time left, don't you worry.

    By Blogger Laura, at February 20, 2006 9:00 AM  

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