Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Monday, May 08, 2006

Its survey time... cuz I am still putting off posting about California...

1. What is your full name? (this includes embarrassing nicknames) Melody Chantal Barta... I dont really do the nickname thing. I guess I'm parle je biscuit and pineapple....
2. What would you rather your name be? Elizabeth
3. When’s your birthday? July 19th, 1987
4. What color are your eyes? sortof greenish
5. When you are 80, will you dye your hair a bright color and walk downtown
with me? yes. Purple
6. If you could only pick one band/singer to listen to for the rest of your
life, who would it be? The Mars Volta
7. What is your ideal profession? Singer, actress, performer extrodianaire
8. Do you have any siblings? one real, 4 step.
9. What is the one thing about you that you think nobody understands? I dont know really how to interact with people... I should be in a zoo.
10. Do you have a lot of friends? Lots of aquaintances, and people who could develop into friends, and a couple of really good friends.
11. If you had to be put into one clique at school, which would it be?
Theatre person, and I was.
12. If a war against beings that couldn’t die broke out tomorrow, would you fight for your country anyways? I wouldn't fight, I don't believe in war.
13. What is your favorite book or books? Gone with the Wind.
14. Who is your favorite teacher at school? Mr. A
15. Which one do you hate the most? Mr. Friend
16. Can you rub your tummy and pat your head at the same time? Yep.
17. Who is your favorite celebrity? ummm... I really like jake GYllenhal, only because he takes real chances and I respectv that. OH AND EMILY HAINES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
18. What do you do in your spare time? spare time? what is this spare time you speak of.... hang out with frie4nds.... and threatre It up.
19. Are you a loner or a social butterfly? Im more of a social butterfly than a Loner.
20. Do you want to join the “Down with Love” club? only if it also involves "up with lust", and no drama.
21. Who do you have a crush on right now? *giggles* a boy from the states...
22. Do you think they like you back? Thats a stupid question, he lives in the states. It doesnt matter!
23. What’s the last movie you saw at the theatre? Failure to Launch
24. If you could be any animal, which would it be? I think I would be a cat
25. What color would you say you are? ( personality wise) Fuschia
26. Do you like video games? Not really.
27. What’s your birth sign? Cancer!
28. Do you know what that means about you? Yes... But Im lazy
29. Have you ever been in love? yes
30. Ever had unrequited love? Bunches of times.
31. What’s your favorite store? the virgin records megastore.
32. How is your relationship with your family? It alright, I stay out of their business, and they sometimes stay out of mine.
33. What’s your favorite thing to drink? orange juice
34. What are three words you would use to describe yourself? gregarious, loyal, nice. (yeah its cop out answer)
35. Do you drink alcohol? Yep.
36. Do you do drugs? only weed.
37. If you’re going to have kids, what would you like their names to be? Brody, David, Cadence.
38. What’s your favorite childhood memory? Dad and I building the treehouse
39. Have you ever been chased by geese? um... no
40. What’s your favorite joke? Why was the blondes bellybutton sore. Cuz her boyfriend was blonde too.
41. Do you like to dance? Very Much so!
42. Do you hate anyone? No.... I am hated, but I hate nobody.
43. Are you ticklish? yes.
44. What’s your favorite outfit? Jeans, long orange shirt with some band shirt or theatre show on it.
45. Do you have a religion? No
46. Are you a vegetarian? Yes!
47. Have you ever skipped class? Tons and tons of class. Tons and TONS.
48. Do you believe in ghosts? yes and no....
49. Do you believe in an afterlife? yes and no... These questions are too hard for a survey!!!
50. Do you listen to your horoscope? every once in awhile, it sent into my hotmail INbox everyday!!!
51. Do you chew on the end of your pencils? Just pens.
52. What’s on your bedroom walls? boxes and boxes of stuff.

On the opposite sex

53. long or short hair? Long, but not too long!
54. Light or dark hair? dark
55. Light or dark eyes? light.
56. Indoorsy or outdoorsy? Not insanely outdoorsy, but they have to enjoy Nature.
57. Shy or confident/outgoing? Confident!!!!!
58. What’s the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Hair and facial features
59. Describe your dream guy/ girl: well they dont have to be traditionally attractive, but if I'm not attracted to them its never going to go ANYWHERE! They should be musical, at least in interest, and be talented in some way.
60. Would you rather them be good looking or have a great personality?
people can be physically attracted to someones personality, so personality is wayy more important.
61. What confuses you most about them? everything. Boys are weird.


62. who’s your best friend? Hummm, I have several people I would consider among my closest friends, depending on the situation. Laura, Brianna, Ashlet and Jenn, Martha and Shane and Cora
63. Who’s your oldest friend? Martha, out of ones Im still friends with
64. Your newest friend? EVeryone we met down at coachella.
65. Who is the craziest? Kelsey
66. Funniest? Jordan
67. Loudest? Brianna
68. Most fun? depends on my mood.
69. Most creative? Ashley
70. Most musical? yeah everybody I know is musical.
71. Most talented? Im gunna take a veto on this question, to avoid being beaten.
72. Most athletic? the people I danced with are athletic in that way.
73. Smartest? Laura
74. Prettiest? ALso taking a veto on this one. I have many many pretty friends
75. Most confident? Brianna
76. Most energetic? Alleah.
77. Nicest? Laura
78. Sweetest? Barbara or Cora
79. Meanest? Barbara
80. If you were about to assassinate the president, who would you pick as an
accomplice? Kevin. my pseudo ex-boyfri4endfs form a play
81. Who would make the best spy? Brianna maybe.... or shane, hes so manipulative or maybe Cora. Im not sure why.
82. Who is most likely to win the nobel prize? Laura
83. An oscar? Shane
84. An olympic medal? if you could get shane into the gold suit, I think you could make him LUGE!!!!!!!!!
85. If you could only take one person to a deserted island, who would it be? Honestly I dont know... Someone who wouoldnt make me go crazy, who could give me my space, when I wanted it, and who I could have sex with.... Martha.

86. what is one question you would like to ask the general public? WHY DO YOU LIKE BRITNEY SPEARS!?!?!?!?!

87. What ticks you off? unreasonable, illogical anger
88. what are you scared of? Dying Alone...
***89 Deleted, it makes no sense***
90. Have you ever stolen anything? Yeah...


  • damnit, i was hoping you guys would just forget about california...

    By Blogger Pineapple Princess!, at May 10, 2006 10:48 AM  

  • *giggles* california boys!

    By Blogger Corita, at May 10, 2006 9:54 PM  

  • california boys have got to be just as cool as bc boys. we just know some bc boys, and haven't explored areas of NEW bc boys.
    boys are the same everywhere, i'm sure.
    except that one island in the middle of the pacific...the one with ALL the hot boys...
    yeah, i know where it is, and i'm not going to tell anyone. yeah. i go there all the time...yeah...

    By Blogger Laura, at May 10, 2006 9:59 PM  

  • number 17..... good answer

    By Blogger Unknown, at May 11, 2006 3:44 PM  

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