Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Thursday, April 13, 2006


I figure, having spoken to several important people in my life, that changes have to be made.

~My outward maturity levels seems to have gone down. This is unacceptable, and must be rectified
~I need to talk to some people and at least give them the option to fix some things. I owe several people apologies, and even those that don't want to hear it... well, they dont have to accept it, just know that its heartfelt.
~I feel that too many of my conversations with my friends are either ABOUT sex, or involving some sort of innuendo, and thats not okay any more. If it comes up naturally, then yeah, I'm not going to pretend it doesnt exist, but, not so much on my mind and tongue any more
~Theres a large possibility that I've been pretty self-centred. That has to change
~My work ethic and enthusiasm have waned... thats also an area for improvement.
~I need a big project to work on. Not just something to Save up for, but something to focus some of my excess energy on. like a musical!

If anybody has anything that they feel has been a hindrance to the continuation or progression of our friendship, please say so. I figure, make all the big changes at once.

***ADDED AFTERWARDS*** also, I'd like to be more polite. and remember to floss my teeth. And work on moving out sooner rather then later. No promises kids, I really am going to work on these goals, but if I slip and stuff... idunno. I just can't stand losing anyody else. for any reason.


  • This is an excellent post Mel.

    By Blogger Megan, at April 14, 2006 12:18 AM  

  • i agree.
    a good post which you can reflect on later.

    "~I feel that too many of my conversations with my friends are either ABOUT sex, or involving some sort of innuendo, and thats not okay any more. If it comes up naturally, then yeah, I'm not going to pretend it doesnt exist, but, not so much on my mind and tongue any more"

    we're teenagers, still. and teenagers are known for being very horny, yes. but if sex is brought up unnecessarily, and is almost a forced thought or spoken word, then it's unnatural, and can really make some people uncomfortable. i feel that people whose conversations are constantly about sex, or are constantly involving sexual innuendos are GENERALLY immature, and for some reason talking about sex makes them feel more mature...because it's a more mature action? i don't know if that makes much sense to you, but it makes sense in my brain. anyways, good on you for reflecting on your life and your attitude about things. we should all do this more often.

    By Blogger Laura, at April 14, 2006 10:13 AM  

  • its like my post, from a week ago

    By Blogger Brianna, at April 14, 2006 11:15 AM  

  • go self-improvement!!! I know a bunch of us (Brianna, me just for starters) are feeling as you do lately...we should have a self-improvement night, just for the girls. W e'll do lots of spa type things, and feel pretty and rejuvenated! It's a good symbolic start to all of our goal-attaining plans!

    By Blogger VivaLaPinto, at April 17, 2006 11:44 AM  

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