Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Thursday, April 13, 2006


I just finished reading Stephen King's "It".

Sometimes it would be nice not to have such a large imagination. I cant go to the bathroom, wash my hands, have a shower, look into a dark room without turning on the light first and walking by the ditch pipes that Martha, Levon, hannah and I played in as kids, FREAKS the living daylights out of me. Theres a small amount of red marker on the bottom corner of my competer screen, and In my head it turned into drops of blood, and kept growing and growing....

Now that the light is on, and I have jack johnson playing, I feel calm enough to continue.

The book was very well written. I am entirely unsurprised, as he is an excellent writer. (His book, "The STand" is up on my list of top 10 all-time favourites)

I had several attacks of extreme paranoia this week, entirely unrelated to the horror novel I was reading. I have this aweful suspicion that all the people I know and love really are tired of me, complain about me, and try to ignore me when they see me. soemtimes It seems like the friendships I have are all imaginary ones, built with that vivid imagination to seem as real as the blood in the sink.

ack, it sounds like there is something dripping and trickling onto the floor above me (int eh bathroon) but I went up to check, and nothing. but the OSUND i hear is NOT my imagination....

god I can't wait for my vacation.

I watxched Serenity today. didnt QUITE live up to expectations, but good nonetheless.

I also catsat this weekend, it was excellent Diva (the cat) had a great big swollen nose, and so she was snoting and snuffling all night long. surprisingly conforting, even to one who is living in minor terror that she will wake up to something breathing wheezily beside her...

BAH I LOVE THE OC I LOVE THE OC I LOVE THE OC, RYAN IS PLAYED BY BENJAMIN MCKENZIE, SETH IS ADAM BRODY, SUMMER IS RACHEL MCADAMS, MARISSA IS MISCHA BARTON.... I'm feeling slightly less creeped out,. although I can still hear the dripping above me... If I get murdered by an insane clown, I'm really sorry for all the things I've done to hurt, shame and annoy you!


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