Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Friday, May 12, 2006

OKAY FINE!!!! The california post :)

So saturday morning (april 22) I wake up at Laura's house what seems like really early! (7:30, oh no!:P) She and her mom are going to vancouver that day too to see some art things and then go to a play, so we go over on the 8:30 boat together. WHen we get to vancouver we all take a bus downtown and then split up to go our separate ways. I get calls from both Llowyn and Evan and make plans to go to granville island to meet Llowyn, and then go to meet Evan at 3:30. SO after navigateing the bus system, i finally make it to granville island, and llowyn's driving a boat! we hang out for awhile, in fragmented ways (because he's working), but then I have to get back to the station where I have to meet evan. after many busses and a long walk (and a scary experience in a gas station/mob outpost bathroom) I finally make it back, and I'm early! so, listening to my music and waiting in the sun was a nice break, and then along comes evan. we watched a movie, and had excellent conversation. I got to see his mom and his dad, but Llowyn didnt come back before I got picked up by shane (avec mom and dad murphy and aunt angela) we had another short sleep before we left in the morning to go and catch our bus!!!

We left Vancouver at 9:00 AM, got held up at the border for like, 2 hours, Im not even exaggerating. and finally I went and asked the bus driver if we could get out and walk around a bit, cuz I was getting antsy! so we waited and waited.... finally we cross the border, where a scary spanish speaking man asked me why I was going there. We got to seattle late and missed all our connections though. everything was late, so by the time we got to LA we had missed our connection to Anaheim! fortunatly there were some girls that we met on the bus that were in the same predicament. we could buy cigarettes down there! they were GROSS, but we could buy them and didnt even have to use fake ID :) we met some other people on the bus. Kyle from seattle, the sacro kids (who left us in sacramento, but not before we all went dumpster diving for doughnuts somewhere in oregon, behind a winchells:P). so when we got to LA (the next night at like 6:00), we took a Taxi (split 5 ways, so not so bad) to our hotel in anaheim (America's Best Value Astoria Inn and Suites) I would definetly go there again, there was a little hot tub and pool and we had a little balcony. and the coffee and danishes in the morning were included, and the transportation to disneyland was a total of like, $6 each. It was really inexpensive too, like $100US each for 3 nights. Monday night when we got there, we walked to IHOP and on the way there, we saw the fireworks from disneyland :)

Tuesday morning we got up kinda late (8:30) because my phone was on silent still, and so we went to disneyland at probably 9:30. We went on all the rides. seriously, we probably only missed like 5-10 rides in disneyland (Not including Pirates of the carribean, which was closed for renovations). My favourites were Space mountain, Splash mountain, The teacups (Mad hatters tea party), Its a small world and Indiana Jones. By the end of the night I had a MASSIVE headache, but we stayed until the end of the night so we could see the fireworks, and then went straight home (to the hotel:P) and into bed. The next morning, we went straight to California Adventure. there were lots of really cool rides there. Favourites include, the river rapids, soarin' over california, california dreamin' (the rollercoaster:D) and the Hollywood tower of terror, which is an elevator that goes up 13 stories, the doors open, you can see out over the whole park, and then drops stright down. we went for a really nice dinner in the park and then went back home (cuz shane was feeling about as crappy on wednesday as I was on tuesday!) we watched the fireworks from our hotel balcony that night :) and I called Martha cuz I was lonely. Disneyland with Shane is cool and all, but we dont always connect on stuff, and spending that long on the bus with anyone can get trying :P I'm sure he feels the same way. Dont get me wrong though, I dont think theres anyone I could have had the same experience down there with! we did have an awesome time together, and Left each other alone, when the time was right lol.

Thursday morning, we packed up all our stuff and walked over to Disneyland with it (we were exhausted, our stuff was SO HEAVY) and put it all in ONE locker!!! we did a sorta highlights reel that day, and went to all our favourite rides from both parks. we knew we had to leave at 4, so we packed as much into the day as possible :) bought our gifts for people that day too... coulnt get many things, but like, for my parents and a couple people. I found myself a shirt that has a skull and crossbones and says "The beatings will continue untill morale improves" :) its excellent. at 4, after one last ride on the river raft, we took a taxi back to the anaheim bus station and took a 2 hour bus ride to san bernadino, where we had two hours to wait. That is the scariest place I have ever been. No joke. The bathrooms had three stalls, on with no dorr, one with no toilet, and one with no toilet paper and goop all down the walls. I was freaked right the fuck out.

Anyways I just got called into work, so I'll finish the rest of this in another post entitled, CALIFORNIA, THE SECOND GENERATION. Or CALIFORNIA: THE JOURNEY CONTINUES, or CALIFORNIA: THE LEGEND LIVES ON. or some such nonsense.


  • heehee, nonesense! sounds like so much fun! I wanna have an adventure of the scale of yours!!!

    By Blogger VivaLaPinto, at May 14, 2006 11:55 AM  

  • American money well spent, my friend, I'm so glad that even with the mix-ups and set backs you had a blast :)

    By Blogger barbara_mary, at May 15, 2006 11:50 AM  

  • oh the IHOP was right next to my hotel almost last year and isnt indiana jones fucking sweet!?!! yes i love hearing about disney land.. did u get into the tiki room? i fucking love the tiki room.. so magical...

    im really excited for the next installment

    By Blogger Unknown, at May 16, 2006 1:13 AM  

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