Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

*ashamed face*

I am sorry

long time no post I realize.....

since I last updated:
-work was crazy with the christmas season
-We had to put down my old cat teaspoon at the beginning of december. I miss him.
-christmas was busy but great, I hung out with friends and family as much as possible, with my one day off from work
-right after christmas My mom, Roger, his two kids Blair and Michelle, myself and my brother went to maui. It was a really good trip, with its understandable ups and downs, overall amazing though. we went to a luau, went horseback riding, snorkling, hunhg out at the beach a lot, lots of cool things. Went to a movie, mom and I saw happy feet, watched some other movies with people... I saw the pineapples in their natural habitat :)
- now I'm just getting back into the swing of things at home, looking forward to coachella in a couple of months!!! They just announced the bands a couple of days ago, and I know shane and I for sure are going, I'm pretty sure about Brianna, and her friend Taisha, Nykita, Blair, Martha and Jordan, and maybe Nolan, Dan, Gareth and Will. Lots of people are interested in going, it'll vbe dunny to see who actuyally shows up with cash in hand to go and see this amazing lineup. I'm so stoked.
- nwhen I was up in Nanaimo I saw a bunch of people at Jordans birthday gathering, tried to make amends with an old friend. Then the next day I'm talking to another friend and he said he heard I was being clingy. Now I'm kinda peturbed, cuz I was just happy that things were working out, and now its already being a big drama fest. whatever, I may not be over it but I can ignore it.
- looking forward to going with megan up to urinetown next tuesday, it should be really good!
- last nioght I spent the night at megan and nicoles, we had a really good time. saw the opera of the lorax. it wasn't too bad.... some of it was actually really good.

well I am going to try to get back to blogging, but its an effort, you know? especially not having much access to the computer. but anytime you guys are in vic, gimme a call!


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