Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

now, just because I'm sitting here eating mint chocolate chip ice cream out of the tub, doesn't mean I hate valentines day. I like the excuse for presents or chocolates or flowers or cards. I like sappy movies like ever after and notting hill. I just don't like being reminded a) that I'm single, and on this day its a bad thing. Don't get me wrong, I dont mind being single, especially when I see what some of my friends just went though with their (CRAZY) boyfriends. and b) what a huge fuck-up I am, wrecking the last chance I had with the boy I really loved.

Mmmmmm I like ice cream. hah. Moving on. Moving on my ass. Only partially, however hard I try. I want chocolate and wallowing movies.

I came up to visit in nanaimo, not realizin exactly the kind of mess I was getting myself into.

I saw i am sam this morning, It was so good, I cried so hard.

I want to do a ten things about people again.

1. Youre too messy. You fuck with my brain, and I always end up cleaning up after you. But I do love you! You need to stop offereing me stuff that makes me get the munchies. Its not good for my poor belly.
2. I am glad I'm your good luck driving charm. You are so genuinely good, it drives me mad. I love that youre on my side sometimes. I belive in you so hard
3. Youre so silly, soemtimes I wonder how much of that is an act, and how much of it is just you.
4. Surpisingly, and trust me, I am surprised, You are one of the friends who, In my life has really been there the most. Not about emotional things, because you know how you are, but I really do trust you. Thanks for being there. I'\ll keep calling, because I know you need me too.
5. You're so creamy and fresh with surprisingly solid parts. satisfying, but you leave me wanting more (hahaha that sounds dirty but I promise, its not)
6. I'm so glad youre coming with us. we are so scandalous. it amuses me.
7. I hate you. how could you say those things?!?!?! We really loved you, all of you, and still you make us seem like jerks. you know you had some really good times with us, and I am blown away that you can live with yourself, you liar.
8. I'm kinda glad you're not coming with us. I don't know how I could have handled that. I hope that today is as tough for you as it is for me.
9. I miss you, your silly comments, sometimes too blunt and sometimes wholly neccisary, I can always rely on you to tell me the truth.
10.I'm coming to visit you, oh beautiful state of palm trees and smog!!!!!! you are too hot, too loud and too mean, but I can't wait to see you again! 72 days and counting!!!


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