Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Friday, March 02, 2007

56 days 2 hours 57 minutes 20 seconds untill coachella starts at the time of that <- writing. I dont wanna go to work today, I want to stay at home eating sun chips and flat coke. I am knitting a piece of watermelon for my quilt. Its started off as a green chunk and then I ripped it all out and made it into the rind. Then I have this pink yarn with white bits in it, and that became the meat of the melon. Did you know meatloaf played bob in Fight club? Kitas mom told me that the other day, I was so surprised!!! 56 days cannot go by fast enough for me. I have given my roommates my notice for the end of may, but I am not sure where I am going to move when I come back to nanaimo. Fingers crossed something turns up, cuz I just can't live at home again!!!! specially way out in lantzville. I wanna be able to see people and do things, and get places, and even though I'll have my liscence by then, I dont want to buy a car, with car payments, gas, insurance, the inevitable breakdown, its just way too expensive. Plus this way I can add to my collection of bus passes :P Which finally came in handy hey? when they did the tax refund for them, I had them all!!!!I think for april I am only gunna get bus tickets, because We leave on what, the 20th? Somewhere around there. less then 2 months anyways. SHane is right, time is flying my right now, its crazy how much time has gone by, without even noticing it. The only kink I think we have to work out is where to put all our stuff while we're at the water park and the Knotts berry farm. I betcha I will be getting away with 1 backpack and my small purse this year, because I know how shitty it is to be carrying heavy sidebags all around. But even so, where do you put your backpack for the day? and hella how much will it cost? because we can't leave it at the hotel, I am sure check in time is quite a bit later then we are:P and we'll be taxi-ing all over the place I am sure, at least three taxis I can think of, minimum, so assume thats another hundred bucks I wasn't thinking of, plus ten dollars for a day pass for vancouver busses, 25 dollars for the ferry, and this is all assuming that I don't go back up to nanaimo within the next two months. which is brutal in and of itself. I think I am going to need to budget 250 american, plus 100 canadian to bring with me, what with all the craziness. Also I think I am going to buy some dried fruit and stuff to take with us, and that will need some cash. jusus this is an expensive trip. and this is my second day off from work. I am just a lazy bum who doesn't think about the fact that she just lost a hundred and 40 dollars, by being lazy. is it worth it? no way? did she do it anyways. yeah.

Budget and years plan (this is boring, don't even bother. I just like seeing it in black and white)

March 9
- 320 Rent April
-220 Shanes visit, and owe for coachella
= 20 extra for food?

March 23
-320 rent may
-200 coachella expense, turn into american
-40 Mastercard -> Bus Pass
- 70 mastercard-> Rogers cell phone bill
= Nothing...

April 6
-300 HBC card
-340 mastercard -> Rogers cell phone, supplies (food, sunscreen, a book)
= Nothing

Tax return and GST rebate
FOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!! how glorious. Perhaps a new bathing suit as well.

April 20
-400 Mastercard
-25 Ferry
-10 bus in vancouver
-100 aside for taxis
= 165 cdn= about 120 american for spending money and food.


May 4
- 100/any HBC Card debt
- any money I owe anybody else (besides mastercard)
- 100 get cameras developed
-100 Rogers cell phone
= Remainder set aside for moving money

May 18
- ALL to Mastercard

June 1
675 (assuming I am not paying rent wherever I am going. A big assumption)
-500 Mastercard
-175 to blow on whatever I want :D

I am moved back!

Arts ALive (A Funny thing happened on the way to the forum)

Mel goes to Alberta to visit people

School!!!!! yay!!!!

Choreograph Seussical!! yay for that as well!

Move to go to Uvic!

3 years at uvic!

Take a year off to travel, go to south america, and ireland and the rest of europe

One more year at Uvic!

Be a teacher!!!

And thats mels next ten year life plan. eventually I also plan to get married, but thats not really something you can set an exact timeline to. I am looking forward to being a teacher like nobodies business though.

anywho I think I am going to go make a pancake.

PS I am 10,319,360 Minutes Old. That sounds like a lot.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

I had such a housewifely morning. I made tea biscuits, cleaned the kitchen, listened to music, watched "Lantern Hill" (I love that book, I want a hardcover copy of it so badly, Jane of lantern hill. I read my childhood copy to death, its by the same woman who wrote anne of green gables) and I finished knitting some patches for my quilt. I am so so excited for my quilt!!!! I found a book of knitting patterns that had one for a pineapple. I am going to make that next! Unbelievably excited about that!!!! and then when my deck dries off I have to sweep it and re-hang my wind chimes. I called in sick to work, you see, and therefore, must make some sort of use to my day. I also have to have a bath later, and clean more for cora to come over later!!! I am so excited to see her and hear all about her alberta adventures. I think I am going to go to alberta in August to visit Brittany and Ashley. I really want to go to venezuela, after my fourth year of university. Maybe I'll take my mom, we could go river rafting together *sarcasm*. She's more of the person I'll take when I go to Italy. thats her style.

I want to travel so much. I want to go to russia, italy, the Faulkland islands, ireland, scotland, Venezuela, all across canada, most of europe, all across the tropics, austrailia... Oh I just want to go away from all this crap.

I am putting different music on my phone. And Shanes gunna make me some CDs. I am very excited for new music.

Stupid cats not getting along. I am so not okay with that. They have to learn to live otgether or one of themn is going to have to leave, and neither of them has anyplace to go!
that sucks
we got a rent increase today. That also sucks. I'll be gone by bthe time it goes into effect, but it still annoys me.

I had an awesome day the other day with Jenn, Jenn, Ashley, Aasha and miranda. AFter I did my taxes, They all came over, we hung out downtown, went for coffee, went to the pub and had a beer, and walked home. I'm really gunna miss Ashley! I am looking forward to getting to talk with her more now that she has a phone and i have long distance on my phone. But yeah. I found out I really like doing my taxes. Numbers work for me. I have to apply for that mal program soon, time is going by way too fast now, it seems like weeks ago that we were in maui, and only weeks before that, that I moved to vic. I was talking with shane and its the longest time I havent seen him since like, grade 10 when we started being friends. I havent seen him since christmas eve, and thats like over two months ago! its lame. I miss him.

Last night I went to a movie with my friend melissa, it was pretty good "the astronaut farmer". and then we went to starbucks and then I took nthe bus home. it was so cold, it was snowing!!!

ANywho I'm gunna go eat fries.