Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Begli occhi

I'm studying for my music history test today. theareticlly I should be in musicianship clas right now, but its too late for that class, if I can do really well in music history it might help a bit with my abysmal grades in musicianship and music theory! I don't have my concert review done though, and for english we have a HUGE research paper due on monday, that I wont even get to start untill sunday. Its so stupid, I will never get it all done in time, even if I stay up all night, which I probably will

Last night was the first time I had seen Seuss since Tech rehearsal. I was BLOWN AWAY. I'll admit, there were moments that had me backstage wanting to scream, but overall... wow, just wow. Kate is so Amazing as gertrude, she does a better job of it then I ever did, and josh, embodies the spirit of Horton. Sky comes alive onstage. I don't know how he made it trhough all these rehearsals without that character and then managed to put it on at the last minute. Leahs voice sounded great. I was just so proud. I think I feel like a mom :D

I wonder if its just a show thing? the little hop-skip-jump there when she's around. Probably. Still its fun while it lasts, even if it just makes me say silly things that make me even less attractive then I already am :P

I dyed my hair last night. Funny, when I wanted black, it went purple, when I wanted puple, I got black. My hair is very very dark :P like my heart and soul you know! lol

So ALyssa and I talked around ten last night and we were both excited to have her come up on saturday, then she called at midnight, and I know she was going to bed when I talked to her last so I was like "whats wrong, is everything ok, is aaron ok?" all panicy like I tend to do. and she said yeah, but that she wouldnt be able to come up on saturday because she had forgotten and switched shifts with a girl for her exam. I mean I understand and I'm not mad or anything, just really really dissipointed. I would love to be able to just swoop down there and bring her back with me *sad face*

a ground bass is a repeating melodic line in the bass section.

see, i learn stuff at school!!!

I'm going away to study now. Its kinda nice knowing nobody reads my blog its like a real diary again. :P


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