Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Ways of controlling your emotions

How do you guys keep calm? Sometimes I think I should be on serious medication. I almost put my fist through a wall, or cut up some clothing-covered area of my body today, because I haven't learned positive ways of dealing with my emotions. Maybe I should take up running. That would just be another self-pain thing though, because of the arthritis. Its like cutting but with more permanent damage.

haha. sortof.

Any suggestions?


  • i wish i could give you advice... but i dont know.. i only can control my emotions when im at work and junk like that

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 21, 2006 5:30 PM  

  • I keep calm with the understanding that I am in controll of my own emotions, and why would I let myself become frustrated with something that is beyond my controll? And if it is within my controll, why am I sitting here becoming emotional when instead I could be dealing with it. Everything you feel is up to you.

    By Blogger barbara_mary, at May 21, 2006 8:24 PM  

  • tap dancing.


    choreograph something when you're feeling a powerful'll come up with something amazing.

    By Blogger Laura, at May 21, 2006 8:53 PM  

  • oh, im actually a robot.

    By Blogger Brianna, at May 21, 2006 9:42 PM  

  • haha, Brianna!

    and um...well, I don't. I scream, and kick things, and show all my neighbors just how creative my vernacular can be.

    and then I take a bath.

    By Blogger VivaLaPinto, at May 22, 2006 12:17 AM  

  • do you want me to call you emo? Because if you cut yourself, I will. I will call you so emo that you won't ever want to hang out with me anymore because I'll call you emo all the time. So. The moral of the story is, don't cut. And you're emo.

    By Blogger -Charlie-, at May 22, 2006 1:25 AM  

  • That's hilarious Brianna, not only because it's funny, but because it totally doesn't answer her question seriously at all, which goes to show "there's a lesson here for us all."

    And Geoff... yes. The way your phrased that is exactly how you would say it. Like, exactly. I could hear you. Then I masturbated.

    Mel, that sucks. I don't control my emotions, I dismiss my emotions. Don't sweat the small stuff.

    By Blogger jordanibanez, at May 22, 2006 3:38 AM  

  • Oh, and Kylan, she asked. *wink*

    By Blogger jordanibanez, at May 22, 2006 3:40 AM  

  • Thanks guys. Particularly Brianna - That really works for me :P
    Barbara - yours actually makes sense :)
    Geoff - I don't condone cutting, thats why I'm posting about it. HOWEVER. Being emo has nothihng to do with cutting. Emo kids have Asymmetrical haircuts, tight pants, a band tee, too many piercings, particularly in the nose or lip, they are too thin, they have one of those like side carrying bags, their voices are whiny and most importantly THEY LISTEN TO EMO MUSIC!!!! None of these things apply to me. 'cept maybe the tight pants. But I am female, its acceptable.
    SO, Bottom line. I dont want to cut, but if I did, I wouldn't be EMO!
    Jordan.... lol. and what was that about Kylan? He didnt comment!!! Who asked? je suis le confused!!!

    By Blogger Pineapple Princess!, at May 22, 2006 11:25 AM  

  • Oh bah, nothing; I was referring to something he wrote in his blog about giving advice to people. I don't even think he reads this blog. Hooray for confusion.

    By Blogger jordanibanez, at May 22, 2006 2:21 PM  

  • BATHS, I tell you, BATHS!

    By Blogger VivaLaPinto, at May 23, 2006 8:22 PM  

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