Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Friday, May 26, 2006

The Final California Post.

Sunday after waiting In line for about an hour they opened the gates and I walked over to where the Mojave tent was. but there was this yellow tape around it. I was confused. but then my ears picked up. Madonna was doing her sound check. I was surrounded by flamboyantly and demonstrativly gay men.], all screaming and flapping about Madonna. WHen they finally opened the "gates" I was run down. almost trampled. "MADONNNAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" It was scary.
SO I squirmed my way to the front of the crowd, and waited. Fineally the first band, One Republic came on. They were kinda blah, but the bassist was left handed and really cute. The next band was Be Your Own Pet. They blew me away, they just had so much energy. Not my style of music by any means, but really fun nonetheless. The Dears, a cool canadian Band played next, and their keyboardist looked like tasha's mom. James Blunt played next. He wasn't that good live. Kinda boring. and all these little girls, and moms who were trying to be hot were screaming. it just annoyed me. I guess that made it worse, he really wasn't all that bad :P
After James Blunt, lots of STUPID people left, and I was SO in the middle of the front for Metric. SHane somehow squished his way up there too, and we have more pictuires of emily haines then anything else ever. SHes just sooooo damn sexy. They played "Succexy", "dead disco", "hustle rose", "On a slow night" (I wanted to call martha so badly), "Poster of a girl", "live it out", and "Monster hospital". *drool*. During dead disco, the bass had some technical difficulties, and It was so funy watching him freak our on stage. (Im so mean). Emily haines is a goddess. wow. They were awesome live. Just awesome. theres nothing more that i can say. SO SO AWESOME!!!!!!!
Wolf Parade, Stellastarr* and The Editors all played next. They were fine. not amazing, but fine. nothing that truely stuck out to me. Except for that crazy girl. SO this girl whos smashed out of her tree, comes up behind me during one of these bands and asks if she can pay me $20 for the front spot. after a little tinkering I say sure, and we switch (just for this band) and then, she passes out on the rail at the front. a security guard wakes her up, and wants to pull her out but she says no... a couple of songs later, she pees herself. yeah. I said it. SHE PEED! so they finally took her out of there, washed off the pee, put newspapers and towels down and then thjings went on as normal. By the time we got to Coheed and Cambria, the tent was PACKED again, so much that I had those clasic rail bruises, from being pushed forward. I got kicked in the head by at least 5 crowd surfers, and it was great :) They put on a really sweet show.
AFter that the whole tent emptied. I went to use the washrooms (GROSS!!!) and wait to see what I could see of tool. I could have waited in the sun all day to get a closer view, but I love metric wayyyy too much for that. SO what does a smart girl like me do? sneak on top of the vip tent. yeah, thats right, I saw tool from the same general place that the camera was filming them from. and they were great too :) I was blown away by how good they were live. after hearing bands that sound good on an album play less well live all day, I was sooooooo impressed with tool. They played all my favourites, Lateralus, Sober, Schism, 46&2, lots more. they were playing till well after 12:30, when they were only supposed to be on till midnight. they played maybe 4 or 5 songs from their new album. and maynard said " so... our new album comes out tomorrow, but you fuckers downloaded it already... *we all sheepishly laugh* but go out and buy the album anyways, cuz I need another huge gold nugget the shape of a piece of popcorn, so when I punch someone there can be the imprint of popcorn in their face." he was really funny. after their final song we all herded back to the campsite, wading through piles of waterbottles (you know I bought 4 each day there?) and met some great guys from Canada. We made a camp, (All other nations accepted, except Toronto!) and when I finally crashed, they looked sad :P
In the morning, Shane and I got rides from some of our campmates back to Indio, and we all went out to lunch together at some place..... I can't remember the name
They dropped us off at the BUs station, and we settled in for a long boring wait. not so!!! We met these three guys, Ben, Brandon and Jason They were awesome. Particularly Jason.... Hes so cute. we spent a buncha hours. hes been busy/distant since, but I dont care, we had an awesome afternoon together. One of the highlights of my whole trip :)

We got back into Vancouver at 4:45 in the morning (the borders were hella not as busy then!) then got some coffee, took two busses and a ferry to get back home where my mother met us and took us out for breakfast, then we went home and got some well needed rest.

And thats the end of my California Trip. I may condense all these posts into one evntually. But not now.

Overall, It was awesome. Shane is a great travelling person, and were I able to do it all over again, I would make sure we didnt walk around that field so many times.


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