Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Monday, June 05, 2006

Amber's quiz game thing

List 10 musical artists you like (do this before reading the questions below).

1. Tool
2. Metric
3. Muse
4. Holly stell
5. Our Lady Peace
6. The Postal Service
7. Panic! at the disco
8. The Mars Volta
9. Coldplay
10. Incubus

What was the first song you ever heard by 6?: The District Sleeps Alone Tonight
What is your favourite album of 8? De-loused in the comatorium
What is your favorite lyric of 5:It all seems so contagious/Not to be yourself and faceless/In a song that has no soul
How many times have you seen each of your 10 bands live? I saw Tool and Metric
What is your favorite song by 7?: Build God and then We'll Talk
Is there a song of 3 that makes you sad? Yes. Many. Most of the absolution album could make me sad if I was in the right frame of mine. Its also hopeful, paranoid, loving, thoughtless and brooding.
What is your favorite song by 2?: Poster of a girl, dead disco, combat baby, torture me.
What is your favorite song by 9?: I think Fix you
What is your favorite album by 1?: Lateralus
How did you get into 3?: They were playing it when setting up sound at dover one day and I fell head over heels and when out and bought the album.
What is your favorite song by 4?: I dont know what theyre all called. its track 3 on her CD
Who is your favorite band member in 9?: Chris Martin
Which of the 10 has influenced you the most?: maybe Muse? I'm not sure Incubus or OLP have had big impacts on certain aspects of my life thats for sure.
What is a good memory concerning 2?: SEEING THEM LIVE AT COACHELLA!!!!!!
Is there a song by 8 that makes you sad?: Televators
What is your favorite song of 1?: Schism
How did you become a fan of 10?: Shane. he is like the biggest incubus fan ever, and he just played them so much it was love them or hate them, and I love them :)

Anyways, that was fun

I went to gabriola island.. it was intense. we had so much fun. smoked too much everything, drank too muchm, but i'm starting the master cleanse today, so at least It was a last hurrah for eating, drinking, and all that bad stuff :)

I have today and tomorrow off and then I work wednesday on. Ashleys birthday on saturday, Janelles birthday on sunday.

listening to coldplay :) mmm, I havent heard Yellow in so long. It was overplayed but it was a really good song :)


  • wheeee you took the quiz!!
    im glad someone did ^_^

    The good thing about listening to songs that used to be overplayed is that you can now enjoy them and the fact that you arent hearing it every 15 mins on the radio.

    I'm listening to Muse right now
    wheee for muse!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at June 05, 2006 2:31 PM  

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