Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Posting is for people with computers that work

Unlike mine. Which doesnt.

WOrking.... quitting one work. Might be going to New Brunswick in a week or so, my poppa isn't doin so well, and my mom wants to go see him. That would put a wrench in my work though too. WHatevs.

I'm so messed up about whats going to happen next year. where I'm going to live, and who with... and where I'm going to work. I need to make those decisions soon, I dont like floating in ambiguity :/

STolen from Martha...
Name 21 people you can think of right off the top of your head..
Dont read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 21 people.

1. Jenn
2. Ashley
3. Dan
4. Glenn
5. Martha
6. Cora
7. Brianna
8. Laura B
9. Laura M
10. Barbara
11. Nathan
12. Spencer S
13. Chris R.
14. Stef
15. Shane
16. Will
17. Tasha
18. Gareth
19. Kevin
20. Jason
21. Megan

Q: How did you meet 14?
Humm.... Well it must have been in crazy for you. I'm sure that was it... Yeah, we wore those aweful bodysuits

Q: What would you have to do to see 10?
Call her up and convince her to invite me over. Or sneakily get invited to Briannas house

Q: What would you do if 20 and 9 dated?
Gack, kill myself. I would seriously shrivel up and die.

Q: Would 21 and 12 make a good couple?
Actually yes. I can't seem them ever GETTING together, but once they were, it'd be great

Q: Describe 6:
How to describe her... Cora is thoughtful, kind, intelligent, pursuasive and very attractive. Shes also talented, and modest :P

Q: Do you think 19 is attractive?
depends on how you define attractive. I can see the things about him that would attract other people, but I, personally am not attracted to him :P
Q: Tell me something humiliating about 17:

Q: Do you know any of 4's family members?
I met his dad once, and I know his mom and sister on a first name basis.

Q: When's the last time you talked to 13?
We stopped in at his house last night... he was eating pie

Q: What is 2's favorite band?
Honestly... I couldn't tell you. She likes lots of different music.

Q: Would you ever date 5?
hahaha... probably. given the right circumstances. Yeah.

Q: Is 11 single?
Quite single

Q: Would you ever want to be in a serious relationship with 16?
No. I just wouldn't. Not because hes not a nice guy, but we're not compatable

Q: Where does 15 live?
Hammond Bay for now, but Vancouver soon

Q: Are number 7 & 8 best friends?
The certainly were at one point. drifting lately, but don't we all?

Q: Do you like 1?
Very much so

Q: Thoughts on 3?
A very cool, opinionated guy, with enough force in his personality to crush me like a worm

Q. Did you ever have a crush on 5?
loaded question. Not a serious one or anything, but probably a little one.

Q. Do you think 13 is attractive?
Yes. In a mildly odd sort of way.

Q. What's 21's favorite colour?
Green I'd guess. It looks awesome on her

Q. What would you do if 19 just confessed they liked you?
I'd be EXTREMELY taken aback and surprised

Q. What language does 20 speak?
English en espanol *drool*

Q. Who is 15 going out with?

Q. Would you ever date 7?

Q. Would you ever date 1?
It would be weird. If she asked I'd be confused, but go along with it untill I understood the joke.

Q. Do you hate 21?

Q. What is 9's last name?

Q. Would you ever want to be in a serious relationship with 2?

Q. What school does 3 go to?
School of rock? :P

I am bored very very bored. I may sleep, I'm that bored :P


  • Q: What would you do if 20 and 9 dated?
    Gack, kill myself. I would seriously shrivel up and die.

    hahahahaha oh mel. don't worry, it will never happen. one- i'd never do that to you, two- i've never met him and there's an incredibly good chance i never will

    By Blogger Laura, at June 10, 2006 1:25 PM  

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