Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Sunday, July 02, 2006

actual life post.

SO whats new in actual life? Working lots as everyone knows thats a definetly favourite pastime :P not. My dads moving house so we've been working triple time to try and get all the odds and ends put away and moved out and such so that everything looks nice for the new people moving in. its goin on the market on tuesday, so if anyone wans a 5 bedroom, 1 bath house in lantzville, give a holler.

Grehams mom is going to look for a place in vancouver for us when shes there, but he (and I) get the final say. Oh well, it not like I'll know nobody, emilia, shane, stephen, katie, greham, and I can always make friends, I meet people easily.

ooops, just got calle dinto work, I gotta head out. sorry. maybe real post NEXT time!!


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